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事实上,两者是共存的。In fact, both do coexist.

但是我认为两者可以共存。But I think both can coexist.

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两国和平共处。Two countries coexist in peace.

坡屋顶、平屋顶两种屋顶形式并存。Slope roof and flat roof coexist.

我不这样认为,我觉得他们能够共存。I don’t think so. I think they can coexist.

查尔斯和玛希不能和艾丽西娅同时出现。Charles, and Marcee cannot coexist with Alicia.

你所有的数据都可以在相同的数据库中共存。All of your data can coexist in the same database.

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他当时说,“黑人和白人在这里可以和平共处,我们必须这样,要么就是种族战争。”Blacks and whites can coexist here. We must—or else.

礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist.

光亮之星与阴郁之魂永不共存。A heart of light and a soul of darkness cannot coexist.

无人驾驶汽车最初会与人类驾驶的汽车共存。Driverless cars will initially coexist with human-driven cars.

公私并存二合一混合制造成了什么呢?Public-private coexist two-appulse-one compound system created?

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在同一细胞中可能同时存在两条或更多条生物合成途径。Two or more biosynthetic pathways may coexist in a single cell.

多元化的社会要求诸种宗教的共同存在。Pluralistic societies require religions to coexist in proximity.

由此,各民族得以协调振荡,完整共存。As a result, all Ethnos could coexist completely and harmoniously.

但目前这二者正极不和谐地并存于我国经济的运行之中。But, contradictorily, these two events now coexist in our economy.

这里,湖南最老的变质岩和最年青的丹霞共存。The oldest metamorphic rock and the youngest Danxia landscapes coexist.

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21世纪是社会主义和资本主义两种制度并存的世纪。The socialist system and the Capitalist system Coexist in 21st century.

由此,过去与未来能够暂时共存,如同梦幻世界一般。The past and the future can thus coexist in a finite, yet dream-like world.

内敛优雅、热情奔放的时尚品味,谁说不能并存?Who says that conservativeness and elegance can never coexist with passion?