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我附议该项提名。I second the nomination.

这是首次提交委任书。This is the first nomination.

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这是她的首次奥斯卡提名。This is her first Oscar nomination.

都好了?你想要什么面值的?All right?What nomination do you want?

我最终将提名收入囊中。Finally, I had clinched the nomination.

这是歌迪亚第一次被提名。It was the first nomination for Cotillard.

这名士兵在战报中受到提名表扬。Who will get the nomination for president?

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拉斯曼的提名尚未得到批准。Mr. Glassman's nomination hasn't been approved.

提名表格须以英文填写。Nomination form should be completed in English.

安蒂露西不配入围红星‘最佳综艺主持人’?Aunty Lucy Not Worthy of a Best Host Nomination?

这首歌使Allison获得奥斯卡奖提名。The song brought Allison an Academy Award nomination.

这之后,我就知道,他稳获提名了。After that, I knew he was home free for the nomination.

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这是她近10年来第三次被提名金球奖。This was her third Golden Globe nomination in 10 years.

她获得奥斯卡奖最隹女配角的提名。She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.

参赛者必须穿着正式的演出服。In this nomination must be used classical belly dance costume.

共和党的麦凯恩参议员已经获得本党总统候选人的地位。Republican Senator John McCain clinched his party's nomination.

安蒂露西不配入围红星‘最佳综艺主持人’?Responses to "Aunty Lucy Not Worthy of a Best Host Nomination?"

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赫卡比是共和党总统提名人的参选人。Huckabee is competing for the Republican presidential nomination.

戈萨奇的提名现在递交到了参议院司法委员会。The Gorsuch nomination now goes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

国会最后通过的一批法案中有一个就是批准了对这位大使的提名。One of the last acts of that Congress was to approve the nomination.