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从外表看它的迟钝的灰色调,更接近前苏而非瑞士。From the outside, its stolid grayness is more Soviet than Swiss.

它代表着一种,生活的灰暗,单调。It means something like a kind of dulled grayness or ordinariness of life.

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它代表着一种,生活的灰暗,单调。It means something like a kind of dulled grayness or ordinariness of life.

一种泛蓝的灰色从东南向西部的绚丽色调爬去。From the east and south, a steel grayness crept toward the glaring brilliance of the west.

最后给出了通过该方法对图像处理的实验结果。Based on the image processing, it describes the grayness value of the each pixel on the image.

我所看到的一切似乎是搅在一种乏味恶心的灰白中,我不禁膝盖发软。Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness , and my knees buckled.

像所有的博尔赫斯式空间一样,这个图书馆的大多数条目都充满了噪音和随机灰度。Like all Borgian spaces, most of the items in this library are full of noise and random grayness.

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水环境系统的不确定性主要包括随机性、模糊性和灰色性。The uncertain nature of water environment system mainly includes randomness , fuzziness and grayness.

同时,是防止文化软骨化、黑色化、灰色化的抗菌素。At the same time, they are bacteriophage to prevent chondrification, blackness and grayness of culture.

“要变得更为即兴,”他说,“变得更为精妙和智能。”“It will need to be more improvisational, ” he said. “There will be a need for more subtlety and grayness.”

文章介绍了一种利用器官周边存在灰度跃变的物理现象实现脸部器官定位的方法。This paper presents a facial organs positioning method based on grayness mutation at the organs' circumambience.

我努力让我的思绪充满春天与阳光,但是,在我的内心最深处,有的只是一片灰色。I try to turn my thoughts towards spring and sunshine. But there is nothing except grayness over the surface of the deep.

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我看不清他们的脸庞,只能看到缤纷的色彩。这些色彩的存在与阴沉的天空形成了对比,在我看来,繁忙的人流好似一道五彩缤纷的彩虹。I could see the colors, not the faces. They stood in contrast to the grayness and became, I thought, a busy human rainbow.

整个空间以白色为主,地面和顶面灰色的使用,突出白色,突出了空间的节奏。Color of the space is chiefly white. Grayness of the floor and the ceiling accentuates the main shade of white and the special rhythm.

体现了什么品质,灰色,灰色暗示了,一种土地和文化的颜色,石头的颜色,农民衣服的颜色。What values does he embody? Grayness grayness that suggests the color of a land and a culture, the color of stone, of peasant clothes.

在1802年他已经成为了陆军少尉,但直到1829年他成为一个主管,尽管因为他的灰白胡子。He had been made a sub-lieutenant in 1802, but it was not until 1829 that he became a major, in spite of the grayness of his moustaches.

本文以实现眼睛的准确定位为目标,探讨了基于脸部的肤色、灰度和几何特性的眼睛定位方法。In this paper, in order to locate the eye exactly, the methods based on the facial color, grayness and geometric characteristics are studied.

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剥落和斑驳的痕迹、明快不张扬的灰色调符合我们对女性自我意识萌长过程的期望与想象。The flaking and variegated traces, the bright but humble grayness accord with the aspiration and imagination of female's self-awareness in the process of growing up.

人们会意识到大型购物中心的诱惑力并且变得更有需求,同时也意识到这些巨型物增长的苍白和盲目。People will become more aware of the temptations of huge shopping malls and will become more demanding, and also more aware of the grayness and blandness these giant elements grew out of.

几天以来北京一直大雾不断,截止周六下午,市中心的可见度只有几百米。For days now a heavy smog has smothered Beijing. By Saturday afternoon, it was so thick you could see just a few hundred meters in the city center. Tower blocks vanished into the grayness.