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最常发生的不良反应是感觉异常。The most frequent side effect was paresthesia.

术后并无神经麻木及感染现象,亦无张口受限情况。There was no paresthesia , infection, or limitation of mouth opening after surgery.

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感觉异常和麻木是由流向神经的血流受阻所致。Called paresthesia , pins and needles are caused by blocked blood flow to a pressed nerve.

并没有严重的不良事件发生,感觉异常是最常发生的不良事件。There were no serious adverse events, and paresthesia was the most frequent adverse effect.

并发症主要为血清转氨酶异常、觉异常和皮肤坏死。The major complications included paresthesia of the limbs, serum transaminase disorder and local skin necrosis.

融合的椎骨感觉是一种并发症,由于炎症的周围神经。The fusion of the vertebrae paresthesia is a complication due to the inflammation of the tissue surrounding nerves.

长期静坐作业,可导致骨骼、肌肉疲劳,出现不同程度的酸痛,感觉异常和麻木震颤。Long-term sit-operation can lead to bone, muscle fatigue, with varying degrees of pain, paresthesia and numbness tremor.

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早期以保守治疗为主,一旦出现明显的感觉功能障碍症状,宜早期手术治疗。General ly, it is managed by conservative treatment. Early surgical treatment however is recommended once evident paresthesia developed.

受损前臂动脉脉搏消失、疼痛、肢体苍白、肢体麻木及肢体无力是急性锁骨动脉阻塞之临床特徵。Brachial arterial pulse deficit, pain, paresthesia , arm fatigue and pallor of the affected limb are hallmark of acute subclavian arterial occlusion.

目的对咽异感症患者进行全面的病因检查,以提高对此症的认识,减少误诊、漏诊。Objective To increase cognition and decrease misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis by overall checking etiological factor of patient with paresthesia pharyngis.

一位39岁的女性因为右膝膕窝酸痛以及感觉异常至门诊求诊,经触诊后发现有震颤情形。A39-year-old female visited our cardiovascular outpatient department with paresthesia and soreness around the right popliteal fossa, where thrill was palpable.

神经阻滞多为盲探性操作,要求病人清醒合作能说出异感并能辨别异感放射的部位。Most of nerve blocks are blind puncture, and require preservaion of consciousness and cooperation so that patients can tell paresthesia and the site of its radiations.

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临床表现因转移部位不同而有所差异,但多以快速生长之牙龈肿块或颚骨破坏呈现,并具有疼痛及程度不一之神经感觉异常。Metastatic tumor may occur in the soft tissues or in the jawbones. Rapid growth gingival mass, destruction of jawbones, pain or paresthesia are the common clinical manifestations.

我们在这里报告一病人,一开始以背痛转移至右下肢并右下肢疼痛麻木无力来表现。之后病患症状曾完全缓解两小时之久。We describe a 48-year-old man who presented with acute onset of low back pain, radiating to his right thigh and accompanied with paresthesia and paralysis of the lower right limb.