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对反抗疲惫与消极情绪有一定的作用。Have certain effect to counteractive exhaustion and negative sentiment.

哪一种蔬菜具有抵抗肠胃癌的功能?Do which kind of vegetable have the function of counteractive stomach cancer?

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免疫能力越来越不好,抵抗能力下降有什么办法?Immune ability is worse and worse, does counteractive ability drop what idea is there?

其二,制度对人的自由发展起能动的反作用。Secondly, institution plays a motile counteractive rule to the human free development.

这是生产力发展对生产关系的反作用。This is productivity those who expand pair of relations of production is counteractive.

不过,这些作用只是熟透的香蕉才具有的,生香蕉可能会起到反作用。Nevertheless, only squashy banana just has these effect, unripe banana may rise counteractive.

过期的牛奶洗脸可以美白吗?有没有什么反作用?It is OK that overdue milk washs a face is the United States white? What to have counteractive ?

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国家是上层建筑,它可以能动地反作用于经济基础。The country is superstructure, it is OK and active the ground is counteractive at economic base.

三年前,就开始考虑加强内销份额,以抵抗风险。Years ago, begin to consider to strengthen portion of sale in domestic market, with counteractive risk.

于是她将我压在床上,不顾我的反对及抵抗狠狠的把我日了!Then she presses me on the bed, my day of the opposition that disregards me and counteractive firm firm!

因为人在睡觉时肌体的抵抗能力最低,很容易生病。The counteractive ability lowest of the human body when sleeping because of the person, fall ill very easily.

研究消极价值判断对学习的反作用是进一步分析与解决问题的前提。Studying counteractive of negation value judgment to study-actionispreparingto further analyse and settletheproblem.

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体育也反作用于经济,是影响经济发展的一个重要因素。In a contrary, the gymnastic career counteractive the development of economy, which is an important aspect of economy.

研究消极价值判断对学习的反作用是进一步分析与解决问题的准备。Studying counteractive of negative value judgment to study-action is preparing to further analyse and settle the problem.

一经形成或取得的文化利益又会对获取、占有、支配、享用和保障更大的经济利益和政治利益起反作用。The acquired cultural interests have a counteractive to acquire, occupy, dominate, enjoy and safeguard the more economic and political interests.

全民医药网最后呼吁,曾经同样受害的网站“共同抵抗百度的霸权”。" net of medicine of the whole people appeals finally, once the website of similar suffer injury " the hegemony of collective and counteractive Baidu ".

它来源于企业的发展战略和目标,同时又反作用于企业的发展战略和目标…It originates the development strategy of the enterprise and target, at the same time counteractive the development strategy at the enterprise and target.

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不当的按、拉、搓会把皮肤下层脆弱组织破坏,不仅不能起到美容的功效,反而起反作用。Press undeservedly , pull, rub can organize skin lower level flimsily destroy, cannot have the effect of hairdressing not only, rise instead counteractive.

关于德国物理学家海森伯1941年出访哥本哈根一事,学界存在不同的评价,大多数观点或可被划进或褒或贬的两个泾渭分明的阵营中。There were many remarks on Heisenberg's most controversial travel to Copenhagen in 1941, but most of them could be classified into two counteractive camps.

医主们用锌治疗阳痿,锌对加速人体伤口的愈合,抵抗疾病也有明显的功效。Cure advocate people the cure that use zinc is impotent, zinc is right the heal that accelerates human body cut, counteractive disease also has apparent effect.