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一个患结肠炎的女孩从身边走过"A girl with colitis goes by."

如果你患有大肠炎。If you have ulcerative colitis.

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她患有肠痉挛的疾病。She suffered from spastic colitis.

美沙拉秦是一种新型抗溃疡性结肠炎药物。Mesalazine was a new anti-ulcerous colitis drug.

这种菌会导致结肠炎。The germ can lead to a condition called colitis.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most le al complication is fulminating colitis.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most lethal complication is fulminating colitis.

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还能减轻由番泻叶引起的结肠炎症。Domestic Sme also inhibited the colitis induced by senna.

结论补黄丹对小鼠溃疡性结肠炎有良好的治疗作用。BHD has good treating effect on ulcerative colitis in mice model.

局部用克林霉素有报道可致假膜性结肠炎。Pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with topical clindamycin.

方法应用三硝基苯磺酸和乙醇制备大鼠免疫性结肠炎模型。METHODS The rats colitis model was produced by TNBS and ethanol enemas.

有数种不同的手术方法可以用来治疗溃疡性大肠炎病患。Several surgical options are available for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

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有少量分泌物覆盖的缺血性结肠炎的结肠镜检图。A colonoscopic view of ischemic colitis with minimal overlying exudate is shown.

结论PTX治疗可使TNBS肠炎模型小鼠肠道炎症减轻。Conclusion PTX treatment could attenuate intestinal inflammation of TNBS colitis.

大部分的虚血性大肠炎发生在老年人。Ischemic colitis commonly occurs in the elderly and has a wide clinical spectrum.

己酮可可碱对2,4,6-三硝基苯磺酸肠炎模型的影响。Effects of pentoxifylline on murine 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis model.

通常伪膜性大肠炎可以用口服万抢霉素或是甲硝唑来治疗。Pseudomembranous colitis can usually be treated with oral vancomycin or metronidazole.

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合理使用抗生素是预防关键。The key to prevent Pseudomembranous colitis is to administrate antibiotics rationally.

对于多数溃疡性结肠炎患者而言,5-ASA是安全并且较为有效的选择。To most of the patients with ulcerative colitis , 5-ASA is a safe and effective choice.

慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎属中医泄泻等病范畴。Chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis is a Chinese medicine in areas such as diarrhea.