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如今他们有了同盟。Now they have allies.

水蜘蛛就是我们的同盟。Backswimmers are our allies.

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他上哪找那些同盟呢?Where will he find these allies?

不能如此傲慢地对待盟友。Allies can be treated so cavalierly.

母巢饥饿。没有盟友。只有食物。The hive hungers. No allies. Only food.

他们顽固地反对弗洛伦斯和她的支持者们。They grimly opposed Florence and her allies.

这也给美国的盟友带来了一些问题。That brings in the issue of America’s allies.

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中国和巴基斯坦系外交关系密切的同盟国。China and Pakistan are close diplomatic allies.

阿战中的同盟国承受着巨大的战争疲劳。A battle of the war the Allies under great fatigue.

而且,没有一个我们的亚洲盟友想要中国在各地区称霸。And none of our Asian allies want a dominant China.

美伊土三国能否携手结盟?Can Iran, Turkey, and the United States Become Allies?

反恐联盟的主要盟国也不消停。Key allies in the war on terror are not spared either.

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戈林正设法同盟国拍板成交。Goering was hoping to strike a bargain with the Allies.

因为它找到了一些更有实力的同盟者答应来做调解。She had found powerful allies who promised to intercede.

他们的盟友几乎都不在狼人一族之中。Their allies almost always lie outside the Garou Nation.

山茱萸科及相关诸科之花粉粒形态比较研究。Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies.

在八路军驻区附近,农民则盼望八路军来。Near the 8th Route Army areas he began to look for allies.

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又一只蚊子灭绝了。水蜘蛛就是我们的同盟。At any rate one mosquito less. Backswimmers are our allies.

我们就是敌人,就像我们是自己唯一的盟友一样!We are the enemy, just as we have only ourselves as allies.

不在了,盟军不会有电子干扰器。No, the Allies don't have any Gap Generators in Red Alert 3.