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母狮低伏着身子准备攻击。The lioness crouched ready to strike.

想要吃掉彭彭的母狮子是谁?Who was the lioness trying to eat pumbaa?

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我想他一定是个有妇之夫,而他太太有是一个母老虎。I think he was married and had a lioness at homes.

阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园,一只母狮在笼子里“狮子大开口”。A lioness yawns inside her cage at Buenos Aires Zoo in Argentina.

安全返回后,母狮舐慰受惊的幼狮。Safe and sound, the lioness gives the cub a big welcome-back lick.

在她环顾盼望恋人到来的时候,一只母狮子出现了。She was just looking around for her lover when a lioness appeared.

在我们大家看来母狮是很难看的,但对雄狮来说她却很美。The lioness is ugly to all of us, but she is a beauty for the lion.

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在丛林中,彭彭被一头饥饿的母狮追赶。In the jungle, Pumbaa finds himself being hunted by a hungry lioness.

那母狮子原是只凶猛的野兽,今天牠却这般温顺。As docile as she seems today, that lioness was once a ferocious beast.

尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。Hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.

母狮在平原上跳跃著,紧紧地跟在惊恐的小羚羊后面。The lioness bounded across the plain, hard on the heels of a terrified gazelle.

这头雌狮子到处受到猎人和猎犬的袭击。The lion perishes for lack of prey, And the whelps of the lioness are scattered.

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水牛打着响鼻打算夺路而逃,狮子还趴在它的背上。The buffalo started snorting and walking with the lioness on its back trying to escape.

尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。Although a vicious Hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.

尽管那只母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。Although a vicious hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.

特格拉坐在雌狮背上,雌狮舔她的脚,所有人惊讶不已And as Thecla sat upon her back,the lioness licked her feet, and all the crowed was amazed.

母狮并无追赶之意,它用嘴和爪子撕破并且弄脏了那方面纱。The lioness did not care to chase, but cut the veil and made it dirt with its jaws and claws.

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不爱妻子儿女的人,无异是在家中豢养著一头母狮,孵育出一窝悲恸。He that loves not his wife and children, feeds a lioness at home, and broods a nest of sorrow.

雌狐与母狮一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.

谦逊的女人无论怎样被宠爱都不会变成母狮子。A natural unassuming woman whom they have been doing their best to spoil by making a lioness of her.