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她面相平常。She has a plain face.

她真是个受气包。She is plain doormat.

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你真是个受气包。You are plain doormat.

焦痕平原挖掘场。Scorched Plain Digsite.

我们提倡俭朴的生活。We advocate plain living.

所有东西都是纯灰色。Everything was plain grey.

那简直是愚不可及。That is just plain stupid.

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我爸爸喜欢素色的领带。My father likes plain ties.

这是大家都明白的。This is plain to everybody.

每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装。Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag.

她的衣着很简朴。Her dress is severely plain.

驰骋在兰阳平原上。Riding on the Lanyang plain.

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什么样的苍天抑或平原?What shapes of sky or plain?

小张真是个骗子。Xiao Zhang is a plain phony.

这条河贯穿这个城。A river intersects the plain.

对我而言,质朴中难掩美味。For me, it’s just plain good.

他的故事是瞎编乱造的。His story is plain moonshine.

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如有需要,请另用白纸填写。Use plain paper if necessary.

有学识的人质朴无华。Men of learning are plain men.

搞学问的人是淡泊之人。Men of learning axe plain men.