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我的灵魂是一潭死水。And my soul was a stagnant tide.

死水滋生蚊子。Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.

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实际收入最好的情况也是不升不降。Real incomes are at best stagnant.

一个喷射出的激流不会产生停滞。A swift-flowing steam does no grow stagnant.

因为它们代表的是凝滞的能量。That's because they represent stagnant energy.

一些人认为一个崛起的东方替代了停滞的西方。Some saw a rising East replacing a stagnant West.

这是流动的活水与一潭死水的区别。It's the difference between running and stagnant water.

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自一九七○年代起,该国经济一直停滞不前。Since the 1970s, the country's economy has been stagnant.

畏难心理进而导致拖延,最后使我们毫无进展。Fear leads to procrastination and ends us keeping us stagnant.

形成一块块城市死水、臭水、脏水景观。Become a city stagnant water, smelly water, dirty view of water.

请想想中国的自大和那种人类的凝滞的自满。Consider the China pride and stagnant self-complacency of mankind.

在乡下的时光总是快速地逝去,或是如死水般凝滞不动。The flow of village life is not too rapid, neither is it stagnant.

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如果当时信贷像现在这样紧的话,他们可能好几年都不景气了。When credit is tight as it is now, they can be stagnant for years.

沉浊的空气中响了一声清脆动听的喇叭。A trumpet call, clear and beautiful, floated into the stagnant air.

生活有时候就是一潭死水,激情就是你手中的石子。Sometimes life is a pool of stagnant water, passion is your stones.

美国工人的实际工资已经十年没涨过了。The real wages of working Americans have been stagnant for a decade.

但是邮票珍品市场通常是一个有价无市的市场。Yet the market for rare stamps is usually stagnant with few sellers.

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执着就好象不流动的水,久了以后一定会发出臭味。Attachment is like stagnant water, which will stink after a long time.

水果市场的不景气使我父亲想放弃种植水果了。Fruit market is so stagnant that my father even want to give up. save.

继续的使用措辞只会展示一种落后,愚昧的意识。The continued use of these terms demonstrates a stagnant and ignorant mind.