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这两个三角形相重合。The two triangles coincide.

总的说来,他们的观点相同。On the whole their views coincide.

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同心圆的圆心是一个。The centres of concentric circles coincide.

双方的利益,不总是一致的。The interests of the two sides don't always coincide.

洪水来袭两天之后,恰巧又是在一次非常大的高潮期。It will coincide two days later with a very high tide.

两个考试同一时间,帮我代考一个吧?The two exams coincide with each other, take one for me?

其中与平均海平面重合的面就是大地水准面。Which coincide with the mean sea level surface is the geoid.

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语义配价与句法配价之间没有必然的一一对应的关系。The semantic and syntactic notions of valency need not coincide.

那么,12月的满月与至日重合有多频繁呢?So, how often does the December full moon coincide with the solstice?

上次你们的饿货物中有两箱品质和规格与样品不符。Two boxes of your product didn't coincide with your sample last time.

掌握移出断面和重合断面表达方法。Master representation methods of removed sections and coincide sections.

这次蹦极活动恰逢电塔建成40周年。The jumps coincide with the 40th anniversary of the tower's construction.

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是的﹐默示对于正典是必需的。可是默示与正典是两个不同的不雅念。Inspiration is necessary to canonicity, but the two ideas do not coincide.

是的﹐默示对于正典是必须的。可是默示与正典是两个不同的观念。Inspiration is necessary to canonicity , but the two ideas do not coincide.

一个人如果能以至诚之心待人,那他的心就与天道相吻合。If a person can the sincerity of heart, that his heart and Providence coincide.

而且它又与联合国记者团组织的审查不谋而合。It also happened to coincide with a screening organized by the U.N. press corps.

这次抗议活动的时间与总统一年一度的国情咨文讲话一致。It was timed to coincide with the president's annual state of the union address.

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这类行程规画常会配合各地美食节或特殊盛会的时间。Trips are often planned to coincide with local food festivals or special events.

金建琳的这份建议与晋安区政府的设想不谋而合。The proposal happened to coincide with the strategy of Jinan district government.

我们在菲尼克斯的朋友安排他们的活动以符合我们的需求。Our friends in Phoenix schedule their activities to coincide with our requirements.