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只揭露枯萎和死亡。Only blight and death.

只有枯萎和死亡。Blight and death alone.

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针叶萎凋病就是一例。One example is the needle blight.

9月13日,晚疫病出现在了爱尔兰。Blight appeared in Ireland on Sept. 13.

枯萎病使苹果全无收成。The apple crop was wiped out by blight.

邪恶的人则像果园里患了枯萎病的植物一样。An evil person is a blight on the orchard.

我担心它的惨叫比枯萎症状还糟糕。I'm afraid its bark is worse than its blight.

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雨水太多会令花园因长真菌而枯萎。Too much rain may blight the garden with mold.

板栗疫病为我国检疫性病害。Castanea mollissima blight is a quarantine disease in China.

另外还在田间进行了氟啶胺对茉莉白绢病的防治试验。Frowncide was also used to control sclerotium blight in field.

他说,种植能够抵抗晚疫病的马铃薯是可能的。He says it is possible to grow potatoes that resist late blight.

枯萎病在美国杀了几乎每一栗色的树。The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States.

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茎尖苗抗逆性强,芋疫病和芋软腐病发病程度较轻。The case of leaf blight of taro and soft rot of taro was slighter.

水稻纹枯病属于中心式传播型。Rice sheath blight were central disseminate pattern diseases in field.

板栗疫病是世界性栗树病害之一。Chestnut blight is one of most serious diseases of chestnut world widely.

水稻病害的侵染会导致减产甚至绝收。Rice bacterial blight and Rice blast are the most important rice disease.

后来,一种奇怪的摧毁力悄然袭击了这个地区,所有的一切都开始变了。Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change.

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为此,时尚杂志应该做一些调整,尽量减少不良影响。So, the fashion magazines should do some redressal in order to reduce blight.

禁止为了消除妨害、平民区和有损市容状况征收地产。Taking property to eliminate nuisance, slum, or blight conditions prohibited.

在小区试验中A30菌液对水稻纹枯病也表现出了较好的防治效果。A30 culture showed good control efficiency to rice sheath blight in the field.