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剩下两只矮脚小黑羊。Two black baby pygmy goats were left.

俾格米人一傢,刚果民主共和国,2000。Pygmy Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000

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他和伟大的音乐家相比就成了侏儒。He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.

俾格米人一家,刚果民主共和国,2000。Michael K. Nichols Pygmy Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000

因为最高仅为56厘米,这种矮种山羊基本上作为宠物来养。Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.

侏儒兔绝迹于2008年,即在本照片拍摄后的几个月。Bryn the pygmy rabbit died in 2008, months after this photograph was made.

稀有的新出生白子侏儒狨猴栖息在一位动物园管理员的手指上。Rare newborn albino Pygmy Marmoset monkeys perched on a zookeeper 's fingers.

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那个小男孩眼睛盯著那个安静的小矮人不放一段时间后他打量著他们两人。The children stare at the silent Pygmy boy for a long time and he stares at them.

两只濒危的倭蜂猴立刻从他的内裤中取出。Two endangered slow loris pygmy monkeys were promptly removed from his underwear.

“但我觉得自己象那只侏隼,”她说道,声音中满是悲痛。"But I feel like the pygmy falcon, " she said, her misery reflected in her voice.

欧共体是经济上的巨人,上的侏儒,军事上的幼虫。The E. C had shown itself to be an economic giant, a political pygmy and a military larva.

结果,外交政策倚赖着一个国防巨人,连带着一堆侏儒部门。The result is a foreign policy that rests on a defense giant and a number of pygmy departments.

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不准以任何形式玩弄或触摸豆丁海马,这些动作会造成伤害甚至或许致死这些动物。Do not touch or manipulate pygmy seahorses in any way, as this can easily damage or even kill them.

我们宁愿重用一个活跃的侏儒,不要一个贪睡的巨人。We would rather put a pygmy in a very important position than choose a sleepyheaded giant for a job.

若矮黑河马攻击且未被阻挡,你可选择使牠此回合不造成任何战斗伤害。If Pygmy Hippo attacks and is not blocked, you may choose to have it deal no combat damage this turn.

今日报道,在纽西兰海湾,一只名叫墨克的海豚挽救了两只搁浅的侏儒鲸。It was reported today that a dolphin called Moko saved two pygmy whales stranded on a New Zealand sand bar.

希望为城市行政管执法的理论和实践的发展尽自己的一份绵薄之力。Hope for urban administration tube law enforcement theory and a practice development own one's pygmy effort.

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例如,注射器表明有医疗价值的植物,而持箭的卑格米人则表示狩猎场。For example, a syringe represents plants of medicinal value while a Pygmy with an arrow marks a hunting area.

“日本常常同时被视为一个经济巨人和政治侏儒,该国在近期的形象更是充分说明了这一点,没人看好日本在世界取得领袖地位,”Deans补充说。It's often been described as an economic giant and a political pygmy. It's looking even more like that these days.

当地矮黑人和班图族人数百年来尊崇空古瀑布,箇中原因不难了解。Local pygmy and Bantu ethnic groups have revered the Kongou Falls for centuries, and it is easy to understand why.