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万能速干胶?Quick dry glue?

尽快忘了它。Forget it quick.

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但别急着下结论。But not so quick.

首先,见效快。First, it's quick.

需要一份快餐吗?Need a quick snack?

快给我让开。Quick to me to open.

他是一个走路快的人。He is a quick walker.

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他敏于学习。He is quick to learn.

我是个爱哭的男孩。I was a quick wet boy.

愤怒是短暂的猖。Anger is quick madness.

快上点什么吧。I need something quick.

她性情急躁。She is quick in temper.

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此参数用于快速清除。Used for quick cleanup.

今天倒挺快的。She made it quick today.

哇,你学真快!Wow, you catch on quick.

那一架打得快。It was a quick fight too.

这些猪长膘真快。These pigs laid on quick.

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刺,戳,击快速的刺入或打击。To deliver a quick punch.

又快如白驹,如果是真实的。And quick enough, if true.

他理解能力强。He is quick to understand.