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其实她是一个考古学家。In fact, she was an archaeologist.

考古学者推断那只花瓶大约有三千五百年之久。The archaeologist estimated that the vase was 3,500 years old.

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我上次提到威廉·亚布莱特,一个美国考古学家。I mentioned last time William F. Albright, an American archaeologist.

这位考古学家要得到特别许可才能打开坟墓。The archaeologist has to get special permission to open up the grave.

纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学的考古学家汤姆·迪雷亥说。says archaeologist Tom Dillehay of Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

他是位考古学家,过去的一年都在参与克里特岛上的一项考古发掘工作。He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.

Rick是个挖掘玛雅神殿中夺人性命的古墓的考古学家。Rick was an archaeologist who explored the deadly tombs of a Mayan Temple.

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这位考古学家确定该废墟属于早期弥诺斯时期。The archaeologist dated the ruins as belonging to the early Minoan period.

这位考古学家将破碎的古瓶修复还原。The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.

哈瓦斯是著名的考古学家和埃及古物学家,他说这名男子叫伊米艾斯。Hawass, a famed archaeologist and Egyptologist, said the man'sname is Imhesy.

颇具声望的考古学家艾伦·狄林杰看似是用自己的双手结束了自己的生命。The renowned archaeologist Alan Dillinger is dead, seemingly by his own hand.

考古学家说,埃米利亚诺Gallaga墓日期是500至公元前700年。Archaeologist Emiliano Gallaga said the tomb dates to between 500 and 700 B.C.

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哈里森。福特再次主演考古学家印第安那。琼斯博士。Harrisson. Ford acts the leading role again archaeologist Yindianna. Dr. Jones.

考古学家为儿子查理找来一管据说有千年历史的竹笛。The archaeologist finds his son Charlie a bamboo flute. It is thousands of years old.

这项工作在一位美国考古学家的监督下进行,他自己就是一名越战老兵。The work was supervised by an American archaeologist who was himself a Vietnam veteran.

她的小说表现了一个木乃伊复活并向考古学家复仇。Her novel featured a mummy coming back to life and seeking revenge against an archaeologist.

住在当地的考古学家吉尔•艾尔斯博士已经关注这一遗址很多年了。Archaeologist Dr Jill Eyers, who lives locally, has been interested in the site for many years.

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研究所的克鲁姆·巴契瓦洛夫表示最新的发现“非常有趣”。Archaeologist Krum Bachvarov from the institute said the latest find was "extremely interesting".

考古学家正在清理从该遗址发现的一只儿童头骨。Archaeologist Christina Schütte cleans the skull of a child which was found in the dwelling mound.

他聘请了很多专家,比如天体物理学家,音乐教授,考古学家。Hebrought in more people, hiring an expert in astrophysics, amusicprofessor, and an archaeologist.