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这个煤矿有多少个通风管道?How many airways are there in this coal mine?

英国航空公司的登记台在哪里?。Where is the check-in counter for British airways?

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在呼吸道的表面布满了微小的毛发,称为为纤毛。The airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia.

航空公司的势力范围有收缩的趋势。The muscles of the airways are liable to constriction.

用湿布或湿衬衫盖住口鼻翼方吸入毒烟。Protect airways from smoke with damp clothes or shirts.

泰国航空公司说,该飞机已经得到降落许可。Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land.

请耐心等候,并感谢您搭乘泰航。Please be patient and thank you for flying Thai Airways.

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肺气肿——是小气道、还是肺实质的疾病呢?Emphysema — A Disease of Small Airways or Lung Parenchyma?

只有英航现被列为空寂客车A318机型的航空企业客户。Only British Airways is listed as an A318 airline customer.

泰国航空公司说,该飞机已经得到降落许可。Thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land.

有一次公司从日本航空公司买了一架727型喷气机。At one point the company bought from Nippon Airways a 727 jet.

选择日本的全日空,开启你的冬日浪漫吧!Select All Nippon Airways of Japan, open your winter romantic bar!

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美国航空公司的1549航班坠落到水中,但并未马上沉没。US Airways Flight 1549 hit the water and did not immediately sink.

据美国航空公司网站信息,该机承载144名旅客。The plane holds 144 passengers, according to the US Airways website.

记得美国航空公司的1549号航班是什么时候安全着陆在Hudson河的吗?Remember when US Airways flight 1549 landed safely in the Hudson River?

我有泰航的经济舱机票,但是还没有订位。I've got a Thai Airways economy ticket. But I haven't reserved a seat yet.

卡塔尔航空公司官员预计公司2012年将开始使用EFF。Qatar Airways officials expect the carrier to begin using the EFF in 2012.

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目的探讨季节性联合呼吸道过敏性患者的发病原因。Objective To study pathogenesis of united seasonal airways hyperreactivity.

后来,他成为了泛美航空公司专业的摄影师。Later, he became a professional photographer for Pan American World Airways.

就在近两年的圣诞节前,美航丢失了75,000个包裹,有些经过几个月也找不回来。Two Christmases ago, US Airways lost 75,000 bags, some not found for months.