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跺你的脚。Stomp your feet.

长臂龙喜欢跺脚。Brachiosaurus liked to stomp.

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我的职责之一就是踩蝎子。One of my duties was to stomp scorpions.

走起来像只鸭子,跺起脚来像只鼬子。Walk like a duck and stomp like a skunk.

你跺脚跺的太重了,你会掉下去的。You stomp too hard and you'll fall in it.

然后,它从STOMP连接器断开连接。Then, it disconnects from the STOMP connector.

如果感到快乐那就跺跺脚。If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

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如果你感到开心就跺跺脚。If you are happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

二匹种马为地位而互相践踏和打斗。Two stallions stomp and fight in a status display.

推进跳,前冲,然后在空中重踏一个敌人。Boost jump, dash forward, then air stomp on an enemy.

STOMP则是面向流文本的消息传递协议。STOMP is a streaming text orientated messaging protocol.

它有一个数组的单块效果器随时准备采取相应的行动。It's like having an array of stomp boxes ready for action.

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长臂龙喜欢跺脚。糙齿龙会大声咀嚼,格格地咬牙。Brachiosaurus liked to stomp. Trachodon would chew and chomp.

假如你被炒了,不要只是简单的踏出公司大门继续你的生活。If you get fired, don’t just stomp out and go on with your life.

突突向前踩球改变了煎饼与你的脚。Chug forward and stomp your foot for the pancake with ball change.

我们把雪地踩成半坡状,并挤入睡袋。We stomp the snow into semiflatness and zip into our sleeping bags.

当我抓住一个,我就狠狠跺几脚,然后捏碎,杀死它。When I caught one, I would stomp on it and squash it. Kill it dead.

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STOMP是一个协议,它可以使用多种不同的客户端发送消息。STOMP is a protocol for sending messages using many different clients.

它们有象牙,树干般粗壮鼻子可以发出吼叫,并且它们可以重重地践踏障碍物。They have tusks, a bellowing trumpet of a trunk and can stomp on things.

然后踢开前门,重重的踩着楼梯拧开卧室门,跳上床。stomp up the stairs, swing the bedroom door open, and jump up on the bed.