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他在园林里遇到了莉莎。He met Liza in his park.

本活动是由丽莎-麦琳所负责的。This event is organized by Liza Milne.

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丽莎是个美丽、聪明又可爱的女孩。"Liza" is beautiful, smart and very loving.

桶上有个窟窿,亲爱的丽莎。There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.

还有一个虚拟化的解决办法。Still another solution may come from virtu a liza tion.

我们将“蒙娜莎”的复制品悬挂在壁炉墙上。We hung our reproduction of "Mona Liza"above the fireplace.

我又能送丽莎去学校,也能开始工作了。I felt able to take Liza to school again and to return to work.

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不知怎的,他们养成了一个习惯,管莉莎叫用人们。Somehow they had got into the way of calling Liza the servants.

潘轶律师1999年毕业于北京商学院商法专业,获法学士学位。Ms. Liza Pan graduated with LLB degree from the Beijing Business Institute in 1999.

我参加过的最好笑的婚礼是丽莎·米内利和大卫·杰斯特的婚礼。One of the funniest weddings I ever attended was that of Liza Minnelli to David Gest.

我写小说,叫做兰贝斯丽莎,把它交给出版商,并得到认同。I wrote a novel, called Liza of Lambeth , sent it to a publisher, and it was accepted.

它甚至得到来自洛希尔•鲍尔,法拉•福赛特,丽萨•米内利以及更多小明星们的肖像版权。It even scored copyfights from Lucille Ball, Farrah Fawcett, Liza Minelli and more starlets.

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当丽莎进来走到祭坛上与大卫会合的时候,他们看起来都被对方深深吸引。When Liza walked in and met David at the altar they were obviously enchanted with each other.

莉莎·肯恩是一位全职读者、作者,梦想者,尽管她以商店经理的职业来支撑生活。Liza Kane is a full-time reader, writer, dreamer, though she pays the bills as a store manager.

可他没想到,忠实的女仆莉莎找到了那只药瓶子,又把它放回梳洗台上。What he did not know was that the faithful Liza had found it, and put it back on his wash-stand.

泰勒离世时,子女迈克尔•威尔丁,克里斯托弗•威尔丁,丽莎•托德和玛利亚•伯顿都陪伴在侧。Taylor died surrounded by her children, Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd, and Maria Burton.

金融管理局希望艺术级的设计能防止假钞。莉莎·德·古斯曼报道。As Liza De Guzman reports, the Authority hopes that the state of the art design will help deter counterfeiters.

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安德烈公爵说道,他站了起来,像在外人近旁那样恭恭敬敬地吻着她的手。"Good-night, Liza , " said Prince Andrey, getting up and kissing her hand courteously, as though she were a stranger.

1998年我们的女儿丽莎出生后,我们决定搬出城,在一个小镇定居下来。After the birth of our daughter Liza in 1998, we decided to leave the city and we bought a nice house in a small town.

而花花公子俱乐部也吸引了包括灵魂乐手雷·查尔斯、流行乐二人组桑尼与雪儿、奥斯卡影后丽莎·明尼莉以及脱口秀明星乔治·卡林在内的一大批顶尖演艺明星前来光顾。The clubs were able to attract many of the top acts including Ray Charles, Sonny &Cher, Liza Minnelli and George Carlin.