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他们都是些一毛不拔的人。They were a grasping lot.

阿克蒙德了抓的姿态。Archimonde made a grasping gesture.

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他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。They are all heroes grasping the nettle.

但是它们也用来触摸和抓取东西。But they're also for touching and grasping.

他敏于了解书的要点。He is quick in grasping the gist of a book.

为了要握有刺的棍子,首先得戴上手套。One puts on gloves before grasping a thorn cudgel.

别让那些贪心的计程车司机多收你的钱。Don't let those grasping taxi drivers overcharge you.

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肉体的感官能包罗全体。Fleshly sense had been capable of grasping the whole.

事实上,在我们现代化世界中,执取是非常必需的。In fact, in our modern world, grasping is very necessary.

但是零售商称顾客理解这一概念有困难。But retailers said consumers had trouble grasping the concept.

你雪白雪白的胸前竟有一抓显眼的指痕。You should have a white chest grasping conspicuous finger mark.

他打乒乓球时习惯用横拍的握法。He is used to grasping the paddle horizontally while playing Ping-Pong.

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他把奄奄一息的孩子带去看另外一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。He was grasping at straws when he took his dying child to another doctor.

更不可思议的是,这女孩的手里也揣着一张五十元大钞。And even more dramatically, she is grasping a fifty yuan note in her hand.

提出了一种控制多指灵巧手稳定抓持物体的新方法。A method is proposed for the stable grasping control of the dexterous hand.

人用两足行走,双手得到解放,可以用来抓握和操作。Bipedal locomotion in humans frees the hands for grasping and manipulation.

整个帝国被攫取电线胎的欲望所鼓动起来。The entire empire was highly inspired by the desire of grasping the wire bire.

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而国家已被目空一切的银行和贪得无厌的跨国公司所颠覆。The state has been overthrown by roistering banks and grasping multinationals.

他将身体扭成一个新姿势,一只手推着空气,却什么也没抓到。He writhes into a new position, one arm pushing againsttheair grasping nothing.

在工艺流程的第一步,锻造师需焊接上一根管子以方便抓取。The tube is welded at the initial stage of the process to ensure easy grasping.