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分离主义船舰的坠毁导致大量毒性落叶剂渗入星球的生态中,摧毁了当地的植物群。The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.

并且通过对落叶规律的观察统计,筛选出比较理想的悬铃木落叶剂配方。Through statistical observation of falling leaves, a more ideal formula of the defoliant was developed.

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我还在一个橡胶园的地区工作了接近一年,那里到处喷洒着橙剂,是一种有毒的脱叶剂。I had worked for nearly a year in a rubber plantation area sprayed with the toxic defoliant Agent Orange.

孟山都公司还生产了在越南到处喷洒导致癌症与婴儿缺陷的声名狼藉的黄色脱叶剂。Monsanto also produced the infamous Agent Orange, the cancer and birth-defect causing defoliant sprayed over Vietnam.

橙剂是一种脱叶剂,曾在越战期间使用,已知会致癌和其他严重疾病。Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War era and known to cause cancer and other serious illnesses.

采用人工调控脱叶有利于机械采收,但是脱叶剂脱叶效果将影响机械采收。It will be useful for picking of machine with manpower controlling, but the impact of defoliant will influence the machine picking.

韩国和美国官员还表示,目前没有证据显示二恶英来自脱叶剂“桔剂”。South Korean and U.S. officials also say there is no evidence, at this stage, that the dioxin came from the defoliant Agent Orange.

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美国官员说,美方正在同韩国政府进行的联合调查很可能得出的结论是,在韩美军基地一带没有环境污染威胁。South Korean and U. S. officials also say there is no evidence, at this stage, that the dioxin came from the defoliant Agent Orange.

韩国正在调查30年前是否有毒脱叶剂“橙剂”埋在韩美军基地的事件。In South Korea, an investigation is underway to determine if the toxic defoliant Agent Orange was buried at a U.S. military base three decades ago.

美国陆军表示,正在调查一则关于一些越南战争时期使用的有毒落叶剂“橙剂”33年前被埋在韩国的一处美军设施地下的报导。The U. S. Army says it is looking into a report that drums of the Vietnam War-era toxic defoliant Agent Orange were buried at an American military facility in South Korea 33 years ago.

美国陆军表示,正在调查一则关于一些越南战争时期使用的有毒落叶剂“橙剂”33年前被埋在韩国的一处美军设施地下的报导。The U.S. Army says it is looking into a report that drums of the Vietnam War-era toxic defoliant Agent Orange were buried at an American military facility in South Korea 33 years ago.A