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加强营战士们行军速度有限。Reconnoitre the soldiers marching speed limited.

他们停下来,开始勘测地形。They stopped and began to reconnoitre the terrain.

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他们奉命前往侦察敌人的火药库。They were sent to reconnoitre the enemy powder magazine.

他被派往厄立特里亚侦察敌军位置。He was sent to Eritrea to reconnoitre the enemy position.

我留下一名中士指挥,自己策马前去侦察敌情。I left a sergeant in command and rode forward to reconnoitre.

一支海军巡逻队奉命侦察进入海湾的路线。A naval patrol was sent to reconnoitre the approaches to the bay.

在发动进攻前,这个排奉命侦察该村。The platoon was sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack.

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皇上派了多芒的轻骑兵师往探察那斑点。The Emperor detached Domon's division of light cavalry to reconnoitre in that quarter.

本文就民用建筑建筑工程地质勘察存在的问题进行了分析。This text on reconnoitre the existing problem to analyse in civil construction work geology.

他们做了侦察和前一天,我们有信心能够实现我们的照片拍摄。They had done a reconnoitre the day before and were confident we could achieve our photo shoot.

天底下最自豪的动物,天底下最聪明的动物,——它们来探查了。The proudest animal under the sun, and the wisest animal under the sun, -- they have come out to reconnoitre.

作为警察,他的作品是破案,而他的创作工具则是各种各样的侦察措施。Being police , his work is to clear up a case, but his creation implement is all kinds of then reconnoitre measure.

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因此,工程地质勘察必须明确勘察工作的因素,以确保勘察和设计的质量。So, reconnoitre the factor that must reconnoitre the work clearly, so as to ensure the quality reconnoitred and designed in project geology.

因此,本文对其矿床的一般地球化学特征和勘查地球化学特征进行了深入的讨论。So this text reconnoitre to general geochemistry characteristic of mineral deposit its geochemistry characteristic go on the deep discussion.

三维地震勘探技术引入煤矿采区勘探是解决煤矿地质构造问题的一种行之有效的勘探手段。The adoption of 3D earthquake reconnoitre technique area in the coalminearea is an effective method in resolving complicated geology structure problems.

从1871至1904年,周馥曾多次对永定河、潮白河、北运河、滹沱河等直隶河道及黄河、运河、小清河进行勘察和治理,取得了良好的成效。From 1871 to 1904 , many times Zhou Fu have Yongdihe River, Chaobaihe River, North canal, Huruohe River and The Yellow River, ect to reconnoitre and manage , made the. good effect.

结论中指出如何达到最佳施工效率,既而使勘察工作在保证质量的情况下更低成本的完成。Among the conclusion , point out how reach best construction efficiency , make it work low completion of cost in case of ensuring the quality of products not to reconnoitre subsequently.