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拉贾.萨勒姆和丈夫艾哈迈德一起来菜市场买东西。Raja Salem has come shopping with her husband, Ahmed.

斯塔德迈尔和贝尔也客串亮相。Amaré Stoudemire and Raja Bell have cameo appearances.

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现在人们认为拉贾安帕最大的四个岛屿是四王。Now Raja Ampat's four largest islands are considered the kings.

国王拉杰克里希纳戴瓦本身也是一位一流的摔跤手和骑师。The king, Raja Krishnadev was an ace wrestler and horseman , himself.

全部加起来仍然少于拉贾吞下的1.76万亿卢比!All this put together is still less than 1.76Lakh crores that Raja & Co gulped !

那名女子是一个无关人员,她的举动显然是一起干扰事件。It was a clear case of intrusion, " said the acting chef-demission, Brig P K M Raja."

在遥远的东印度尼西亚,拉贾安帕群岛包含了数量惊人的珊瑚群。In far eastern Indonesia, the Raja Ampat Islands embrace a phenomenal coral wilderness.

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提供套房住宿服务。含客房收费率、设施介绍以及其位置图。Serves as an hotel, service apartment and corporate housing. Located in Changkat Raja Chulan.

这张种有毒的橙色戈代娃裸鳃照片是在印度尼西亚巴布亚岛的拉贾邦安拨群岛拍摄的。This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia.

转动时代巨轮带给人民幸福快乐的统治者就是转轮圣王。Cakravarti Raja is meant to be the sacred emperor who will bring happiness and bliss to the people.

帕坦加利体系的王瑜伽和传统体系的哈他瑜伽之间还有一个不同。There is another difference between Patanjali's system of raja yoga and the traditional system of hatha yoga.

适应工作的便利王侯瑜伽,对知识和言谈举止神圣的守护天使。Adapted to facilitate the task of Raja Yoga, and of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

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尽管库普切克失去了签约拉加贝尔的机会,但是他很快发现并签下了巴恩斯。Though Kupchak swung and missed in his pursuit of the feisty Raja Bell, he quickly recovered by landing Barnes.

拉贾贝尔只是马修斯三分之一的价钱,但是同样的,只有他三分之一的速度,灵动性和弹跳。Raja Bell represents Wes Matthews at about one-third of the price, but also one-third the speed, dynamism and upside.

最令我感到惊喜和欣慰的是,在交流结束之后Raja还要给我拿些吃的喝的。“The most amazing part, though, was that by the end, Raja was offering me food and something to drink, ” Bordoloi said.

根据其他的参考,第四种叫做王瑜伽,用身体和思想进行的8支分法修习。In other references, a 4th path is mentioned as Raja Yoga, the disciple of body & mind while treading the 8-limb ladder.

该报告指出,巴基斯坦总理拉贾·佩尔瓦伊兹·阿什拉夫预计于2012年9月访问中国,出席世界经济论坛。Pakistan Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf is also due to visit China to attend the World Economic Forum 2012 in September.

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拉贾无视印度电信管理局提出的对电信牌照不设上限的建议,宣布关闭对于电信频率的申请。Raja announced closure on the applications for spectrum even though TRAI had recommended 'no cap' in the number of licences.

印度电信部长拉贾因涉嫌向移动通信公司非法发放许可证而辞职。India's telecommunications minister A Raja has resigned over claims that licences had been improperly given to mobile phone firms.

公正是超越党派的,不管郭素沁是来自民主行动党,或拉惹佩特拉一直在批判政府,这些背景都无关至要。Justice is a bipartisan issue. It does not matter if Teresa is from the DAP and if Raja Petra is a fierce critic of the BN government.