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火焰升腾。The flames leapt up.

老虎扑向猎人。The tiger leapt at the hunter.

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他扑通一声跳进河里。He leapt headlong into the river.

我叫着就跳到他的手臂上。I shouted as I leapt into his arms.

我突然想出了一个好主意。A good idea just leapt into my mind.

他越过一条小水沟抄近道。He leapt over a ditch for a shortcut.

我们携手展翅高飞,跃上云端。We fly together, leapt to the clouds.

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这个寡妇跳进火葬柴堆。The widow leapt into the funeral pyre.

那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。The big dog leapt up at the little girl.

彩色的邮票上窜出一只跳跃的羚羊。An antelope leapt across a colourful stamp.

那条狗跃过栅栏门奔向田野。The dog leapt over the gate into the field.

它们在水里跳跃、玩耍、往返穿梭。They leapt and played and swam back and forth.

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在会议上,主席欣然接受了我们的建议。The chairman leapt at our proposal in the meeting.

绝望的女孩走到井边,然后跳了进去。The despairing girl went to the well and leapt in.

他跳到空中翻了一个小筋斗。And he leapt into the air and did a little somersault.

他从隐蔽处纵身跳出,但又马上退了回来。He leapt up from his concealment, but he cowered back.

雷从马鞍上滑下来,妮雅随后跨下马身。He slid down off the saddle and Gnea leapt down after.

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在奴隶们冲上来的时候,安德利从床上跳了下来。As the slaves surged towards him, Andry leapt from his bed.

他抓起婴儿向火上扔去,同时柳条丈夫大叫一声向着孩子的方向一跃而起。At this, the wicker husband let out a yell. Forward he leapt.

这畜生一跃而起,扑到了机器上。The brute leapt into the air, flinging itself onto the machine.