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贝欧巴试图和孔达成协议。Baobab tried to hatch a deal with Koong.

今天我们的节目是关于猴面包树。Today our programme is about the baobab tree.

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纳尔逊的早餐是猴面包树叶子。Nelson always had baobab leaves for breakfast.

到猴面包树老了,树干就空了。When a baobab gets old its trunk becomes hollow.

贝欧巴这个名字在银河系许多星区受人敬仰。The name Baobab commands respect in many sectors of the galaxy.

真是九死一生啊!”回到猴面包树得安乐窝后,兔子发出一声感叹。That WAS a close shave , " said Hare from the safety of his baobab tree."

马达加斯加的国树,主干直径能达到36英尺。The national tree of Madagascar the baobab can attain a trunk diameter of 36 feet.

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坦桑尼亚塔兰吉雷国家公园夜空下猴面包树的画面。Baobab trees frame a serene view of night skies in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.

这个风景是在坦桑尼亚塔雷吉尔国家公园,面包树绘成了宁静夜空下一道魅力风景线。Baobab trees frame a serene view of night skies in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania.

但这些计划经常被商人芒戈·贝欧巴及其机器人R2-D2和C-3PO破坏。Such schemes were often challenged by trader Mungo Baobab and his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

如果一个猴面包树生长在这里,生病死亡的忧郁,我的星球将被撕裂成碎片的猴面包树的根部。If a baobab grows here, Ill die of melancholy, And my planet will be torn to pieces by the baobab roots.

立即用爽肤水轻拍脸部,再配合“生命之树”紧致保湿霜和“生命之树”精华素使用,效果更加明显。Immediately pat face with toner and apply with Baobab Firming Moisturizing Cream and Baobab Essence to get better effect.

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突然,一只小鳄鱼大小的蜥蜴从矮灌木丛中蹿出,爬上了附近的一棵猴面包树。All of a sudden, a lizard about the size of a small crocodile hurtled out of the undergrowth and raced up a nearby baobab tree.

芒戈·贝欧巴及其机器人R2-D2和C-3PO成功摧毁大希普,阻止了帝国对比图的蹂躏。The efforts of Mungo Baobab and his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO destroyed the Great Heep and stopped the Imperial ravaging of Biitu.

马沙图保护区有数量惊人的非洲象、大角斑羚和鸵鸟,还有很多猴面包树。Mashatu reserve has an impressive population of african elephant, eland and ostrich. the baobab trees are also plenty in the region.

为了向他灌输是非观和职业道德观,贝欧巴家族的长者派他去比图建立一座采矿基地和贸易站。To instill in him a sense of propriety and work ethic, the elders of the Baobab clan sent him to Biitu to establish a mining operation and trading post.

我们行驶间,氤氲的热气在白色的沙上闪动翻腾,而万里无云的天空在耀眼的阳光下呈现白茫茫一片。几株猴面包树孤零零的站在地平线上。The heat shimmered off the white sand as we drove, while the empty sky was bleached almost white by the sun. And baobab trees stood stark against the horizon.

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作为最值得信赖的托运团队之一,贝欧巴商船队久负盛名。贝欧巴档案馆被认为是全面、权威的象征。The Baobab Merchant Fleet once had a sterling reputation as one of the most reliable shippers, and the Baobab Archives are considered extensive and authoritative.

此类事件层出不穷,这就是非洲。如果非洲当地政府不对警察系统和团体领导层进行改进的话,那无谓的火灾和溺亡事故还是会重复发生。Too often, that is the standard in Africa. Baobab would argue that without improvements in policing and community leadership, burnings and drownings will be repeated unnecessarily.

可以俯瞰隐藏在坦桑尼亚国家公园里的水泉,在这座泳池里,就能轻松看到大象,还有罕见的条纹羚,背景则是非洲壮观的猴面包树。Overlooking a water hole in a secluded area of Tarangire National Park, this pool offers views of elephants and rare kudu antelopes against a backdrop of Africa's dramatic baobab trees.