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她踮着脚尖走。She walks on tiptoe.

大象用脚趾尖走路。Elephants walk on tiptoe.

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芭蕾舞者踮著脚尖。Ballet dancers are on tiptoe.

我蹑手蹑脚地走到门旁。I walked on tiptoe to the door.

蹑著脚尖走到门口再回来。Tiptoe to the doorway and back.

他在一个小山上踮足而立。He stood tiptoe upon a little hill.

他们踮着脚走过了滚烫的沙地。They walked on tiptoe across the hot sand.

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“踮脚下楼,”她对丈夫说。"Tiptoe downstairs, " she told her husband.

天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就能更接近阳光。Days and how high, can tiptoe closer to the sun.

可否听到身后我蹑足跟随的声音?。Have you heard my foot voice walking on tiptoe ?

她妩媚地瞅瞅他,两个人蹑手蹑脚进了她的卧房。She ogles at him and they tiptoe to her bedroom.

脚尖向外转动,脚跟向内靠紧。Tiptoe to outside rotation, heel to close within.

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他看到一个小男孩踮着脚按门铃。He sees a little boy ringing a door bell on tiptoe.

有时候我踮起脚眺过高高的围墙。Sometimes I stand on tiptoe to look over tall fences.

我忍不住又蹑手蹑脚溜回爷爷的屋子。I couldn't help walking into the room again on tiptoe.

那矮人踮起脚把纸条用钉子按在墙上。The short man nailed the message to the wall on tiptoe.

他们踮起脚以便把游行场面看得更清楚些。They stood on tiptoe to get a better look at the parade.

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所有的人都踮脚站着,希望能多看她一眼。All the crowd stood on tiptoe to have one more look at her.

格拉西姆打开一扇护窗板,踮着足走出了书斋。Gerasim opened one blind, and went out of the room on tiptoe.

“不要说话,”奎尔普说着,蹑手蹑脚地向门口走去。"Not a word, " said Quilp, making towards the door on tiptoe.