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那喀拉峻草原呢?And the Kalajun Grassland?

乳牛在草地上徘徊。Cows were roaming the grassland.

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草地和树木困住了沙漠。Grassland and trees trap the desert.

这里有草原石人。There is a grassland stone man here.

她就长眠在伊犁的草原上。She is sleeping on the Ili Grassland.

草原的气候变化无常。The climate on grassland is capricious.

草原是爱草人心灵的故乡。Grass on the grassland is truly emerald.

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那蛇被盘绕在草地上。The snake was coiled up on the grassland.

羚羊们可以在草原上快乐地奔跑。Antelopes can run in the grassland happily.

放牧牲口同样伤害草原。Grazing livestock destroy grassland as well.

哦,原来这里就是唐布拉大草原啊。Oh, this is actually the Tangbula Grassland.

我们现在是在美丽的唐布拉大草原。We are now on the scenic Tangbula Grassland.

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哎呀!唐布拉大草原的风景真是太美了!Wow! The Tangbula Grassland is so beautiful!

这夏塔的草原可真是平坦如砥呀。The Xiata Grassland is as flat as a whetstone.

远处是连绵一片的草原。There is a reach of grassland in the distance.

你看这昭苏草原是平坦宽阔。You see the Zhaosu Grassland is flat and wide.

雨后的草原一片清香。The grassland smelt fresh and sweet after rain.

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一群羊在草原上来回走动。A flock of sheep are ranging over the grassland.

他在草原上赶牛、羊,度过了孤独的日月。He passed lonely months droving on the grassland.

绿色的草原上点缀着几间村舍。The village houses are speckled on the grassland.