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我的妈妈得到一只炒菜锅。My mom got a wok.

你炒菜,煎饼都用炒菜锅。You're a wok user.

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你需要一个炒菜锅或者平底锅吗?。Do you need a wok or a pan?

加一勺油在锅加热。Heat up wok with 1 tbsp oil.

又干嘛不能用炒菜锅来做意大利面呢?And why not make pasta in a wok?

装好盘后送到灶上。Decorate plates and send to Wok.

炉子上总是摆着一只油腻的锅。A big greasy wok sat on the stove.

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主妇用传统锅灶烧饭。Housewives cook with the traditional wok.

将糯米放在镬或蒸笼上蒸熟。Steam the glutinous rice in a wok or steamer.

把蒸架放在镬中,鸡只置架上。Put a steam rack in wok and the chicken on top.

他把牛剁成碎片,然后把牛肉扔到最大的一口锅里煮。He threw the pieces into his biggest wok to cook.

将年糕和鸡丝入锅。Return the rice cakes and prepared chicken into wok.

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烧热白镬,加入所有茶叶,拌匀。Heat a clean wok. Add all the tea leaves and stir well.

把炒锅烧热,放入油和葱花。Heat the wok and put in the oil and chopped Chinese onions.

团队既要找出好的经验和也要总结坏的教训。The team wok to identify lessons learned both good and bad.

铁锅装2到3英寸高的水,煮沸。Fill your wok with 2 to 3 inches of water and bring to boil.

将牛柳落镬,用中火煎至熟透。Fry beef tenderloin in wok over medium heat until well done.

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烧热油镬,放入鸡翼煎至金黄。Heat wok with oil, put in chicken wings and fry until golden.

烧热镬,以慢火将两面茄子煎至金黄色。Heat wok. Fry eggplants over low heat until both sides are golden.

锅子翻了因为热油溅到了我的手上。I couldn't hold the wok because the hot oil splashed onto my hand.