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我们遵守契约。We adhere to the contract.

复制者坚持这一观点…Copyists adhere to this notion.

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你应该坚持真理。You should always adhere to the truth.

这种印花胶纸粘不到窗子上。The decal doesn't adhere to the window.

他从墙上揭下了旧的墙纸。Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?

成功与否,我们赌的是坚持。Successs or not, we bet is to adhere to.

这种印花胶纸粘不到窗子上。The decal does not adhere to the window.

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我们坚持“以质取胜”的原则。We adhere to the "quality win" principle.

时刻遵守与客人交往的准则。Adhere to guest contact stards at all times.

而且要天天洗,坚持洁净。But also to wash every day, adhere to clean.

胶水会把瓷砖粘在墙板上。Glue will adhere the tiles to the wallboard.

这些卵都是粘的,附着在苇根上。The eggs are sticky and adhere to the roots.

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中方这个立场将继续坚持下去。China will continue to adhere to this stance.

我们坚持以诚待人,先做人、后做事。We adhere to honesty , before and after work.

医生过于拘泥于既往史。The clinicians rigidly adhere to past history.

它们的尺寸必须乎合“国际弹网联盟”的认可。Their dimensions must adhere to the FIT Norms.

做事情不要太拘泥形式。Don't rigidly adhere to form when doing things.

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肉松驰要坚持按摩脸部皮肤。To adhere to massage the meat loose facial skin.

受治理的服务必须符合标准。The governed service must adhere to the standard.

从剪贴板粘贴到另一个应用程序中的数据的链接。To cause to adhere by or as if by applying paste.