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然而这并非中国唯一的海洋学勘测计划。Nor is this China’s only oceanographic enterprise.

接下来是第二课,我还要用大海打比方。Another lesson to be learned, to continue using my oceanographic metaphor.

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克里普斯海洋研究所的其他海洋类藏品还包括无脊椎动物、泥芯和岩石。Other Scripps oceanographic collections include invertebrates, mud cores and rocks.

对原有海洋观测仪器、设备和设施进行更新改造。Oceanographic observation instruments, equipment and facilities have been renovated.

但马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的专家们说,这是不正确的。But experts at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts say this is incorrect.

海军将主要将该计算机用于海洋图像建模和天气预报。The Navy will use the machine principally for oceanographic modeling and weather forecasting.

林键是马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学学会的地球物理学家,他对此表示同意。Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts agrees.

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对岩心中各个核素的深度分布特征及其所蕴含的海洋学意义进行了研究。The depth profile of above nuclides in sediment core and its oceanographic significance were studied.

美国海洋调查船经常会因为被对方怀疑从事间谍行为而被跟踪。US oceanographic research vessels are often followed in the water under the assumption they are spying.

亚特兰蒂斯号是以一艘1930年-1966年间为伍兹霍尔海洋研究所工作的帆船命名。Atlantis was named for a sailing ship operated for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute from 1930 to 1966.

海洋学、导航、定位、通讯等设备按常规配备。Convential equipment such an navigation, communication, positioning, oceanographic survey, etc are in routine.

针对海洋水文气象信息的特殊性,探讨了海洋水文气象信息的注记编辑功能的实现方法。According to the particularity of atmospheric and oceanographic data, an annotation-editing method is discussed.

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国防气象卫星计划是由空军空间与导弹系统中心运行的,负责监控气象、海洋和日地物理环境。It is responsible for satellites that monitor meteorological, oceanographic and solar-terrestrial physics environments.

该系统会在规划和指挥和控制系统上显示自定义的气象和海洋产品。The system displays custom meteorological and oceanographic products on mission-planning and command-and-control systems.

负责管理这台计算机的将是海军海洋图像办公室主要共享资源中心,该中心位于密西西比州的斯坦尼斯空间中心。The Naval Oceanographic Office Major Shared Resource Center will manage the machine, located at Stennis Space Center, Miss.

美国国家海洋与大气管理局发布了涵盖1至5月的“气候状况报告”。The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration has issued its "State of the Climate Report" covering January-May.

这个意义上,这实际上是“发现”,曾几何时,它早已存在于斯克里普斯海洋学研究所鱼类标本馆。It was actually “discovered” long ago in the sense that museum specimens of the fish existed at Scripps Oceanographic Institute.

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此次考察为期20天,由皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号公司与马塞诸塞的伍兹霍尔海洋研究所联手组织。The 20-day expedition, organized by RMS Titanic Inc. and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, will leave St.

研究,申请专利和小批量生产有前景的大洋图示参数控制技术手段。Development, patenting and organization of the small-scale production of perspective technical means of oceanographic parameters control.

冷战结束后,俄美两国的安全顾虑有所减弱,这促使美国交通安全管理局和俄罗斯科学院在2004年开始联手进行海洋科考活动。Security fears eased after the Cold War, which helped NOAA and the Russian Academy of Sciences begin joint oceanographic cruises in 2004.