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我给它穿了防弹背心。He's wearing a bulletproof vest.

总重量的防弹背心。Total weight of bulletproof vest.

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思想是刀枪不入的。Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

当时是世界上第一辆防弹车。Is the first time a bulletproof car.

至于儒兹,他出门一定穿著他的防弹外套。As for Ruiz, he never goes out without his bulletproof coat.

防弹头盔通常用以防子弹或破片。Bulletproof helmets are widely used to prevent bullets and fragments.

但是,这样嫁接的皮肤距离防弹这个目标还很遥远。However, such grafted skin is still far from being truly bulletproof.

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他说,“你干脆就把羊毛脱了,穿上一件防弹背心。You might as well take that fleece off and put on a bulletproof vest.

警员们都穿着制服,包括防弹背心,Troyer说。The officers were in uniform, including bulletproof vests, Troyer said.

他在好莱坞拍摄的电影包括安娜与国王和防弹武僧。His Hollywood movies include "Anna and the King" and " Bulletproof Monk".

阿披实先生坐在防弹奔驰车里四处奔波,但他很少离开首都。Mr Abhisit travels in a bulletproof Mercedes that rarely leaves the capital.

防弹玻璃和安全摄像头有助于确保它永远不会再离开他们。Bulletproof glass and security cameras help ensure it never leaves them again.

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我举着丘比特的箭追呀追,你穿着防弹背心飞呀飞。I hold the Cupid's arrow chasing you, you're wearing a bulletproof vest to fly.

幸好博士因为读过马蒂的信,事先穿了一件防弹服。However, Doc reveals he was wearing a bulletproof vest after reading the letter.

多重选择、易于执行的两栏、三栏布局。Multiple, easy to implement, bulletproof layout options for 2, or 3 column designs

我举着丘比特之箭追呀追,你穿着防弹背心飞呀飞。I am chasing after you with Cupid's arrow and you are flying with bulletproof vest.

什么也逃脱不过校对者的眼睛,可是什么也穿不透他的防弹背心。Nothing escapes the proofreader's eye, but nothing penetrates his bulletproof vest.

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1931年,采用纽约警方最好的来福枪试验防弹玻璃。Bulletproof glass, demonstration by the best rifle man of the New York police, 1931.

他那囊括了家人和队友的后援团令他感到自己坚不可摧。He has a support system of family and Nets teammates that makes him feel bulletproof.

自2004年起,每位士兵就已配备有一个带有额外保护垫的防弹背心。Since 2004, every soldier has been issued a bulletproof vest with extra protection panels.