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你真是一位出色的女主人。You’re a wonderful hostess.

她正在扮演麦克白夫人。She's going to play hostess.

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他向女主人告辞。He bade the hostess farewell.

那位女房东让房一直子敞着。The hostess keeps open house.

同时还是一名主持人。At the same time, she is also a hostess.

女主人周旋于宾客之间。The hostess circulated among her guests.

空中小姐要大家扣好安全带。The air hostess asked everyone to belt up.

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她的衣裙与女主人的相比显得黯然失色。Her dress paled before that of her hostess.

女主人在衣著上有个细腻的品味。The hostess had exquisite taste in clothes.

女主人应该待客殷鸹。A hostess should be courteous to her guests.

“让我们跳跳舞吧,”我的女主人说。"Let's have some dancing, " said my hostess.

女主人端上了一碗番茄汤。The hostess ladled out a bowl of tomato soup.

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女主人殷勤款待她的宾客们。The hostess hospitably entertained her guests.

我的女主人以出乎意外的热诚迎接我。My hostess greeted me with unexpected cordiality.

女主人安排我坐在兰伯尔德夫人的身旁边。The hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.

女主人贾淑清边捡蛋边说。Hostess Jia Shuqing said as she picked up the egg.

她答应作我生日庆祝的女主持了吗?Does she accept to hostess my birthday celebration?

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女主人为每位客人舀了些汤。The hostess spooned out some soup to each of the guests.

张娜请求那个女服务员让她坐在窗边的餐桌上。Zhanna asked the hostess for a table next to the window.

他是我见过的最和蔼的女主人。Gracious She is the most gracious hostess Ihave ever known.