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其实,主要是波斯波利斯工作的国王。Actually, Persepolis is mostly the work of this king.

在波斯波利斯,难以置信的,浮雕是用石头雕刻而成的。Incredible reliefs are carved into the rocks at Persepolis.

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古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。The ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby. Population, 800, 000.

奥地利和伊朗合作重建伊朗古城波斯波利斯。Austria and Iran cooperate to restore ancient capital of Persepolis.

一条林荫道从西南方一直通向了波斯波利斯。A tree-lined road leads to the site of Persepolis from the southwest.

这是最大的可能是最美丽的建筑物在波斯波利斯。It was the largest and probably the most beautiful of the buildings at Persepolis.

波斯波利斯本身约呈长方形,面积与附近的现代建筑区不相上下。Persepolis itself is roughly rectangular, and rivals the size of nearby modern settlements.

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波斯波利斯已成为伊朗人民和外国游客的热门旅游景点。Persepolis has become a popular destination for foreign tourists and Iranian citizens alike.

它已经从波斯城墙上自由地释放出来,在新的大陆和新的人类中间闪耀着。It has flown free from the walls of Persepolis and now shines among new peoples on new continents.

波斯波利斯是阿契美尼德王朝的首都,建于公元前515年。在1979年被宣布成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。Persepolis was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire, dating to 515 B. C. The ancient city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

即便是在旅游景点如波斯波利斯遇见的年轻军人,也都乐意与游客合照,并亲切地邀请你到他家乡去。The young soldiers I met at tourist spots like Persepolis were happy to pose for pictures and they even invited us to visit their hometowns.

“标准化”的法拉瓦哈就是现在你们在网页上所见的,是出现在波斯城墙上的波斯国王的头之上。The "standard" Faravahar is now the one you see on this Web page , which appears over the heads of the Persian kings on the walls of Persepolis.

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图中波斯波利斯区域里L形的白色建筑物是一个现代建筑,它负责为波斯波利斯提供从小细节到部分古建筑群的保护。The L-shaped, off-white structure at Persepolis is a modern covering, providing some protection from the elements to part of the ancient complex.

尽管,正如我们所见,即使在波斯也有很多各种不同类型的法拉瓦哈,琐罗亚斯德的法拉瓦哈是“标准化”的波斯模型。The Zoroastrian faravahar was "standardized" to the Persepolis model, though, as we have seen, even in Persepolis there are many variants of the Faravahar.

然而,这可能是,它好像大流士'发明'波斯波利斯的辉煌所在地政府的阿契美尼德帝国为中心的接待和节日。However this may be, it seems as if Darius 'invented' Persepolis as the splendid seat of the government of the Achaemenid empire and as its center for receptions and festivals.

当三年前他在珀塞波利斯举行大肆宣扬的盛大典礼庆祝波斯建国二千五百年的时候,他几乎邀请了世界上所有的知名人士,但真正出席者却大多是些无名之辈。When he tossed a much-ballyhooed party in Persepolis three years ago to celebrate Persia's 2,500th anniversary, he invited virtually everybody who was anybody – but mostly nobodies showed up.

亚历山大认为即使是懦夫也应该死得有尊严,于是将大流士的遗体送往波塞保利斯附近的波斯王陵墓,他至此才正式自视为亚洲之王。Believing that even for a coward there is honor in death, Alexander has Darius' body taken to the tombs of the Persian kings near Persepolis. Only now does he truly believe he is King of Asia.