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而对罗马尼亚人而言,俄国人则是掠夺者。To Romanians Russia is a predator.

疯狂的南瓜雕刻——食肉动物。Insane pumpkin carving of the Predator.

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瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨的“捕食者”。Swedish thrash metal band 2 Ton Predator.

中国池鹭是个殄殄猎食者。The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator.

MQ1掠夺者A型的翼展为55英尺。The wingspan of an MQ1 Predator A model is 55ft.

通常,一个攻击者或抢劫犯只是想要你的钱。Often, an attacker or predator just wants your money.

但是他们是野外的食用动物,你会常常遇到。However they are the wildest predator you can ever met.

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24岁的福格蒂给了这个庞大的食肉动物“一拳重击”。Fogarty, 24, "started swinging" punches at the predator.

在它生活的年代,“威利”是一种占据统治的捕食者。In life, "Willi" was the dominant predator of his world.

该系统是由一个捕食者,二个食饵种群所构成。The system has three species, where two prey and one predator.

“我们可以把捕食者与猎物放在一起,”欧谢说。"We could have the predator and the prey together, " says O'Shea.

如果掠食者还要咬的话,那么锋利的棘刺会刺入它的嘴。If the predator bites anyway, the sharp spines cut into its mouth.

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坚利的牙齿和下颚说明这只霸王龙肯定是个可怕的猎手。With its powerful jaws and teeth, T-Rex was a terrifying predator.

这种魔怪明显是作为这个新的生态系统中的捕食者。The fiend is obviously meant to be the predator of this new ecosystem.

科莫多龙是现存体型最大的巨型蜥蜴,它也是一种令人生畏的食肉动物。The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.

现在“捕食者”正在这样做,并且不久以后,“收割者”也会加入到这样的战斗中来的。The Predator is doing that now. And the Reaper will soon join the fight.

他会怎样做,如果被掠夺者袭击,或者克林贡人入侵?What would he have done if attacked by a predator or an invading Klingon?

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班卓和玛蒂尔达被发现埋在一起,两者很可能分别是捕食者及其猎物。Banjo and Matilda, possibly predator and prey, were found buried together.

正是这种模仿行为使得种群在遭遇敌人时在大多数的种群其它成员看到天敌之前知会该情况,从而让大家得以逃生。It is what scatters a flock well before most members see a lunging predator.

三周后,另一架“捕食者”再传捷报,幕后细节再次漫天飞舞。Three weeks later came another Predator success, and another orgy of detail.