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灵活信贷额度工具不涉及事后条款。And it involves no ex-post conditionality.

由于各种条件的限制,导致了刑事积案与日俱增。Various conditionality results in increasingly growth of long-pending criminal cases.

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真理有绝对性,也有相对性、有条件性、具体性。Truth has it′s absoluteness, but also has it′s relativity, conditionality and concreteness.

我们将继续执行限制条件,但要对其进行精简,强调基本原则。We will continue conditionality but we will streamline it and focus on fundamental principles.

自觉地还是自发地运用知识的条件性,具有很大的效果差异。It is very different effect to use the conditionality of knowledge either consciously or spontaneously.

一些美国分析师预计,美国将对面向巴基斯坦的援助进行彻底的重新评估,援助条件将变得更加苛刻。Some US analysts predict a radical reassessment of US aid flows to Pakistan, including tougher conditionality.

文中还分析了在摩擦阻力系数一定的情况下,流量与管径的制约关系。The conditionality between the flow rate and the pipe diameter is discussed when the friction factor is fixed.

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大部分人对IMF引入如此具有灵活性的贷款而不附带很多条件表示高兴,但对此的疑虑仍然存在。Most will cheer the IMF for introducing flexible loanmaking without onerous conditionality but concerns remain.

它还规定了纪律,因为基金组织的制约性可以帮助欧洲外围的经济体走上正轨。It provides discipline, since the fund's conditionality would help to keep Europe's peripheral economies on track.

政策性贷款中较具争议的方面之一是条件限制,这在1980年代以来也发生了演变。One of the more controversial aspects of policy-based lending – conditionality – has also evolved since the 1980s.

提出光纤布拉格光栅中产生隙孤子的条件和参量制约关系。The condition of the gap soliton production in fiber Bragg grating and the parameters conditionality are advanced.

该报告还总结了贷款条件及贷款分期分批设计方面的经验教训。The retrospective also draws lessons from experience for the design of conditionality and loan tranching and phasing.

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公共政策作为一种宏观的社会结构制约性,它对微观的个体理性行动者进行着引导、规范和约束。As a macroscopical conditionality of the social structure, public policy directs, regulates and constraints at a micro-level individuals.

另外,欧洲央行应当建立一个紧急国家贷款设施,它将依据预定的政策限制来管理。Additionally, the ECB should establish emergency stand-by country loan facilities that would be governed by pre-determined policy conditionality.

正如闻一多所言,文艺创作是一种“戴着脚镣舞蹈”的行为,制约性越大,可能性也就越多。As Wenyiduo to say that, the literary and artistic creation is one very painful behavior, the conditionality is bigger, the possibility are also more.

从建国到十一届三中全会以前的这段时间,审批作为政府控制社会的基本手段得以广泛存在,但审批涉及的领域少,受法律的制约性小。C. , AEA, as a basic means for the government to control the society, is widely used, but it concerns only a few fields and its legal conditionality is limited.

人类生产技术实践及其对自然的控制具有局域性、间接性、简单性、条件性特征。Man's labor and technical Practice as well as his control over nature possess some characteristics of localization, indirectness, simplicity and conditionality.

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这就是设立区域性监察机构的初衷.官员们称,当拟议中的办公室成立完毕并充分发挥效力之后,CMIM成员国不受IMF条件制约的提款额度几乎肯定会增加.Officials say the amount that CMIM members can withdraw without IMF conditionality will almost certainly be increased once the proposed office is fully operational.

但是,由于河北省肉羊生产社会化服务体系建设的不完善,使得肉羊生产的进一步发展受到了严重制约。But, because the socialized service system of meat sheep production of Hebei is not perfect, the further development of producing meat sheep suffers from serious conditionality.

本文是在既定制度和体制下侧重从自然资源供给方面阐述对经济可持续增长的制约性。The article is the conditionality that emphasizes particularly on to elaborate pair of economy to be able to grow continuously from rich supply side below fixed system and system.