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测量扁率是极为困难的。Determining the oblateness is extremely difficult.

测量扁率是极为困难的。Determining the oblateness is extremely difficult.

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对测定条件、灰化条件进行了考察。The determining and ashing conditions were studied.

这里还有一个决定性因素——个人的基因。There is a determining factor as well –one’s genes.

什么因素决定要交付的原型数量?Determining Factors In Number Of Mock-Ups To Deliver

决定你想要做什么是你仅需做的第一步。Determining what you want to do is only the first step.

深度测量对决定疮口容积很重要。Depth measure is important for determining wound volume.

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是测定纸张细孔的半径平均值的仪器。Instrument for determining the mean pore radius of a paper.

这对确定你的定价和获利能力至关重要。It's the key to determining your pricing and profitability.

对符合门起决定作用的间隔距离是可以调整的。The interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable.

他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels.

剪切破坏判别采用莫尔—库仓准则。Mohr-Coulomb criterion is adopted for determining shear failure.

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我们正在诊断原因,稍后我们会提供最新消息。We are determining the cause and will provide an update shortly.

判断成熟度的一个主要因素是用户的采用程度。One of the chief factors in determining maturity is user adoption.

在决定技术的采用时,这是一个很关键的因素。That was a critical factor in determining the technology adoption.

确定所需要字节数的方法很简单。The method for determining the required number of bytes is simple.

判断特定物件是否能够成为特定型别的父代。Determining if a given object can be a parent of a particular type.

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以下是确定无支撑长度的一般标准。The following are general criteria for determining unbraced length.

用于确定管道粗糙度的方法和超声仪系统。A method and ultrasonic meter system for determining pipe roughness.

确定型钢轧制时轧件的咬入点对实现稳定轧制有重要意义。Determining nip point is important for steady rolling section steel.