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我们在她家搭伙。We board at her house.

我犯了一个卡板切割。I made a card board cut.

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要我把黑板擦净吗?Shall I erase the board.

那块板被劈成了两半。The board split in half.

这块木板易于穿孔。This board bores easily.

这位是线路板。This is a circuit board.

视频显示板?。VDB? Video Display Board?

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是为国家电力局筹资。For the State Power Board.

你船上有船医吗?Have your doctor on board?

请把黑板擦一擦。Please wipe off the board.

他刨平了这块木板。He planed the board smooth.

这里是我们的公布栏。Here is our bulletin board.

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高档内装饰板。High-grade decorative board.

他把一枚钉子敲进木板。He put a nail into the board.

让我们用板把边门钉上。Let's board the side door up.

在展示板上展示你们的作品。Show your works on the board.

这案板糟了。The chopping board is rotten.

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你是说有块木板松了吗?Did you say a board was loose?

是叫这个么。I'm the chairman of the board.

岩棉板使用中延展性很。Rock wool board use ductility.