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这一举措帮助改善了街道一级的出生和死亡登记。This initiative helped improve registration of births and deaths at the subdistrict level.

全县辖21个乡镇、1个街道办事处,210个行政村、9个居委会。County jurisdiction 21 towns, a subdistrict offices, 210 administrative villages and 9 neighborhood.

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该病例发生于西爪哇省偏远的锡克雷特镇1名35岁妇女。The case occurred in a 35-year-old woman from the remote subdistrict of Cikelet, West Java Province.

本文研究的对象是大连市城市街道行政领导干部考核评价体系。The paper studies the system of checking administrative leading cadres of Dalian subdistrict office.

其中街道办事处社区是我国城市社区体育的关键层次。Among them, the subdistrict office community is the key level of the city community physical culture.

发展绿色生态小区正是解决城市环境问题的有效途径。The development of green ecological subdistrict is an effective way to solve urban environmental problems.

一般来说,由区政治指导员或区长向他们训话后,就把他们放走。Generally, the subdistrict commissar or the district government head would give them a lecture and then let them go.

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第三部分是对街道社区管理组织重构的现状分析与实证研究。The fourth part is the author's conception of reconstruction of subdistrict community's administrative organization.

第二部分回顾了我国街道社区管理组织重构的历史进程。The second part looks back over the history of China's reconstruction of subdistrict community's administrative organization.

而社会的转型和政府职能的转变,使得街道成为社区公共服务的主要提供者。For the transformation of society and government function, subdistrict office becomes the main community public service provider.

全区辖2个镇,9个乡,4个街道办事处,301个行政村,348个自然村,26个居民委员会。Jurisdiction over the region two towns, 9 townships, 4 subdistrict offices, 301 administrative villages, 348 villages, 26 neighborhood.

她一路喊到村公所去告状。第二天,村干部召开了全村群众大会。Still shouting, she ran straight to the subdistrict office and made a report to the cadres who summoned a meeting of the whole village next day.

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2005年以来,北京市宣武区在辖区牛街街道和大栅栏街道试点推行了居家养老工作。Since 2005, the work of the Home-based Care for the Aged has been carried out in the Niujie and Dazhalan Subdistrict of Xuanwu district of Beijing.

第三部分是对街道社区管理组织重构的现状分析与实证研究。The third part is an analysis of current situation and a practical research of reconstruction of subdistrict community's administrative organization.

“三位一体”的管理模式就是一种探索,其目的是促进我国物业管理行业科学、健康的发展。The pattern, integration of home owner, estate management company and subdistrict office, is to boost the scientific and sound development of the industry.

本文通过对苏州市观前街道办事处居委会的个案分析,揭示出其存在的不足及其启示意义。Through case analysis of Guanqian Subdistrict Office Community in the City of Suzhou, this paper reveals the problems existing and the illuminating significances.

传统的城市街道办事处基层管理体制存在着职能不明、体制不顺、组织力量薄弱、观念陈旧等弊端。As to traditional subdistrict office in city, its management systems exist some drawbacks , such as, unclear functions, disorder system, weak organization and outmoded ideas etc.

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最后,以南沙街道办事处的行政领导干部为对象,对考核指标体系和考评方法做了实证分析。Finally, taking the administrative leading cadres of Nansha subdistrict office as the objective study, the writer makes the living example analyses of the target system and checking method.

通过分析辖区内职业危害因素,提出相应的整改措施,减少职业危害因素对人群造成的危害。The occupational risk factors in an industrial subdistrict had been analyzed and on the basis of the result, relevant strategies for reducing the occupational hazards to public were proposed.