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因为多虑而很少采取行动。And thereby seldom taking action.

回也闻一以知十,赐也闻一以知二。Hui hears one thing and thereby knows ten.

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因此,他拒绝了浪漫主义者与他的形象。Thereby he rejects the one the romantics lent him.

因此,任何积极的尝试都会以残忍来结束。Thereby negating any positive attempt to end cruelty.

因此,人的存在无法在现在就被盖棺论定。There is therefore no being that is thereby determined.

另一个西方对未来的过气观点也会因此陨落。Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall.

因此他们减少政府债务的累积。They thereby facilitated the accumulation of government debts.

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从而促进循环,减脂瘦身。Promote circulation , the subtraction grease thereby thin body.

5你要在他们眼前挖通了墙,从其中将物件带出去。Dig thou through the wall in their sight, and carry out thereby.

使物体变轻从而更容易搬动。Causes an object to become less heavy and thereby easier to carry.

这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来。Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.

血管扩张剂能松弛血管平滑肌,因此降低全身血管阻力。Vasodilatory agents relax vascular smooth muscle, thereby reducing SVR.

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这样,我便知道你施恩给我主人了。and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.

TFPI能通过其与组织因子的结合而抑制其作用。The TFPI is capable of binding to the TF thereby inhibiting its effects.

并且定量地给出了国企经理的“门槛型激励条件”。The threshed incentive conditions are thereby presented in this article.

从而建立了永生化的人骨髓间充质干细胞。Thereby establishing the immortalization of human mesenchymal stem cells.

在低等的激情受到了理性的支配时,一个人也可以因此而成为公正的。When the lower passions are ruled by Reason, a person is also thereby just.

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那些和妖魔作斗争的人须得小心,别让自己也因此变成了妖魔。He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

这艘船最终掉头返航,才得以避免搜查。The ship eventually turned around and headed home, thereby avoiding a search.

SELT能降低运营商的成本进而是用户的花费。SELT can reduce operators' costs and thereby the customer's subscription cost.