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那个残杀无辜的暴君。The slaughter of the innocents.

让屠杀开始吧。Let the dodgeball slaughter begin.

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啊,屠宰中棘手的问题来了。Ah yes, the knotty business of slaughter.

请和我一起,安妮-玛丽·斯劳特院长。Please join me Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter.

那些羊正被喂得肥肥的准备宰杀。The goats are being fattened up for slaughter.

或者阻止中非的大规模屠杀行径?Or to stop massive slaughter in Central Africa?

我们正在催肥牲畜待宰杀。We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter.

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“宰”前没有邑名,当为“家相”。"Slaughter" had not eup name as the "family phase.

可见单称“宰”当为“家相”。"One can see that" slaughter "as the" family phase.

鸡饭手起刀落,一下子就将大肥鸡宰了。The shop owner then slaughter the chicken by a knife.

快别这么说,你没有目睹什么屠杀,这是一部电影。Come on. You won't witness any slaughter. It's a movie.

等诸出栏这也是我一笔成整的收入了。The slaughter of the pigs will become the income I earn.

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屠杀在封闭的社会里秘而不宣。But the slaughter went unreported in that closed society.

难以相信一个月要发生数起枪案。Incredibly, mass slaughter happens several times a month.

他乃代罪羔羊,默默无声,被牵往宰杀之地。He is the sacrificial lamb, led silently to the slaughter.

有一天,屠神说眼睛疼。Then one day, Slaughter God complained that his eyes hurt.

她刚从集市上回来,曾子就要捉猪去。When she came back, Zengzi got ready to slaughter the pig.

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如果你去屠宰场看看,看看那里发生的事情,你就知道有多可怕。if you look at slaughter houses, what's going on, it's sad.

每逢大旱,老百姓就杀猪宰羊。Whenever the drought, the people kill pig slaughter a sheep.

还有些树仙责怪那只母鹿害他惨遭屠杀。Others blamed the careful doe for leading him to the slaughter.