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漂染会损伤我的头发吗?Will bleaching damage my hair?

我担心染发会伤害我的头发。I'm afraid of bleaching my hair.

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允许非亚氯酸钠漂白。No sodium chlorite bleaching allowed by us.

我们用漂白粉给饮水消毒。We disinfected drinking water with bleaching powder.

选择来到北京,开始北漂一族。Choose came to Beijing, began to north bleaching gens.

同时对木聚糖酶的助漂机理进行了总结。The mechanism of enzyme-aided bleaching was summarized.

在更远处,它们面对的不详之兆漂白和死亡。Beyond that, they face the threat of bleaching and dying.

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因此就出现了白珊瑚——所以引入白化这一名词。What's left is the white coral — hence the term bleaching.

对中小径竹硫酸盐浆进行了ECF漂白的研究。ECF bleaching of bamboo kraft pulp was carried out in this study.

对橡胶籽油的脱胶脱色的工艺进行了研究。Deguming and bleaching of rubber seed oil were studied in this paper.

本文叙述了亚氯酸钠对纯棉针织物漂白的特点。Features of sodium chlorite bleaching for cotton knits are described.

本文着重介绍了三种木素降解酶在漂白中的应用。The applications of ligninase in the bleaching were mainly discussed.

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臭氧漂白是一种重要又经济的无氯漂白方法。The ozone delignification is important and benefit for TCF bleaching.

主要对亚麻及粘胶的漂白工艺进行研究分析。The paper analyses the bleaching process of viscose and linen mainly.

难生物降解的CEH漂白废水可以通过驯化选育优势菌处理。CEH bleaching effluent can be treated with selected dominant bacteria.

脱色与皮肤美白或皮肤漂白并非一回事,也不相同。Depigmentation is not the same as "skin lightening" or "skin bleaching.

要注意的是,漂白剂具有永久性。Note that bleaching is a permanent color change that is not reversible.

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治疗结束后,暂时充填髓腔,两周后改行光固化充填。After the bleaching ended, the chamber was temporarily sealed for two weeks.

对落叶松AS-AQ浆氧碱漂白工艺进行了研究。Oxygen-alkali bleaching process of larch AS-AQ pulp was studied in the paper.

这个自来水里的漂白粉放多了吧,有些异味!The running water has a peculiar smell, it has too much bleaching powder in it.