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什么是心血管病?What are cardiovascular diseases?

他有一颗木人石心。He has cardiovascular system of stone.

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它显示了与心源性死亡存在较弱的联系。It showed a weaker link with cardiovascular death.

心血管病的共同症状是什么?What are common symptoms of cardiovascular diseases?

罹患心血管病的危险因素是什么?What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

减少炎症和心血管病的风险。Reduced risk of inflammation and cardiovascular disease.

而且你,你应该做有助于心血管的活动,and if you, you should be doing cardiovascular activities

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确实,服用斯达汀能降低心脑血管疾病的风险。Indeed, statins halved the risk of cardiovascular disease.

此治疗可减少心源性猝死的危险。Treatment reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular causes.

跳绳。跳绳有助于心血管的保健。Jump-ropes. Skipping rope can be a great cardiovascular workout.

您想介绍一下主要的心血管疾病预防吗?Would you like to introduce the main cardiovascular preventions.

心血管疾病,为什么心血管疾病会排在榜首Cardiovascular disease, why is cardiovascular disease on the top?

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诺康生物主攻血液和心血管治疗。China Nuokang specializes in blood and cardiovascular treatments.

通过冠状动脉移植来治疗心血管疾病吗?Does coronary artery bypass grafting cure cardiovascular disease?

心血管病人如何选择降糖药物?。How the cardiovascular patients choose glucose-lowering medicine?

我是简•P•金,我是一名基础护理心血管科护士。I'm Jan Proctor-King, and I'm a Primary Care Cardiovascular Nurse.

研究结果公布在心血管超声波期刊上。The results are published in the journal Cardiovascular Ultrasound.

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器官系统如心血管系统等,由组织构成organ systems like the cardiovascular system are made up of tissues.

处于亚健康状态的人易患心血管疾病。Sub-healthy people are liable to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

针对心血管的运动目的是可以不费劲地呼吸。For cardiovascular exercise, the aim is to breathe without a struggle.