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花白头发的期货专家吉姆·罗杰斯确实是这样做的。Grizzled commodity guru Jim Rogers certainly is.

被称为登加的灰衣人类猎人也应约了。Answering the call was the grizzled human hunter known as Dengar.

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酒店外的街头,有一略带灰发的金发女人从捧着的纸袋子中取出松子酒。On the pavement outside, a grizzled blonde swills gin from a paper bag.

卡特将军也和杰克一样,看来灰扑扑的。Admiral Hunter was starting to look pretty grizzled , like Jack himself.

我们想来一场自由选举,”一位头发灰白、不识字的阿富汗人告诉我。We want to have a free election, " one grizzled -- and illiterate -- warrior told me.

守塔人是一个身材高大的老人,灰白的胡须垂到他的胸前。The lighthouse keeper was a huge old man with a grizzled beard that came down over his chest.

她把头高高昂起,好像是一根长钉穿到她微微泛白的头发订到脊柱上似的。She holds her head up as if a spike ran from her grizzled black hair to the base of her spine.

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这一策略,对发行有关野生动物及老人节目的探索传播公司已经奏效。It has worked for Discovery Communications, which puts out programmes about wild animals and grizzled men.

这一属的名称得于它们优雅的皮毛,它们有着灰白色的皮肤上覆盖着长长的白毛。The common name of the genus refers to their elegant fur, which in this species is grizzled with long white hairs.

已经64岁的金斯利,患有筒状胸但依然性感的老战士,鼻子硬挺,面貌整洁。Kingsley, who is sixty-four, has the grizzled barrel chest of an aging sexual warrior, a strong nose, and a shaved head.

这位头发斑白的当地小老板在很多方面都是专家,他轻松辨认出了这支飞镖。The grizzled local proprietor was an expert in a wide variety of subjects, and was easily able to identify the projectile.

但是对于在贫穷国家教授新手来取得外快这样的好事,即使是新闻界资格最老的记者也会乐于此类兼职。But even the most grizzled veterans of rich-world journalism still seem glad to earn extra money tutoring tyros in poor countries.

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其中既有胡子灰白、眼睛凹陷的老头,也有年纪较轻但病得瘦巴巴的人,还有一些中年人。Three were old men with grizzled beards and sunken eyes, men who were comparatively young but shrunken by diseases, men who were middle-aged.

工业舰是整个宇宙中经济运转的血液,就连在那些偏僻星系活动的海盗也会常常用到它。Industrials form the lifeblood of most economic activity, and even grizzled outer-rim pirates occasionally need to haul their ill-gotten spoils.

采用从HSL模型中抽取S值的方法实现图像灰度化处理,并通过中值滤波减少图像的噪声。The S value from the HSL model was extracted to realize image grizzled processing, and the image noise through the medium filtering was reduced.

现在的他尽管看重与家人相处的时间,却不打算放弃诗人兼浪迹天涯的苍发歌手生活。And while today he places great value on the time he has with his family, he is not ready to surrender his life as a poet and grizzled troubadour.

与其他任何一个聪明的罪犯一样,盖柯写了一部很畅销的自传,书中很少提及他的责任,而更多谈到他的天才,并为自己那头发花白的圣人和受辱的喜剧人物形象而洋洋自得。Like any smart criminal, Gekko writes a best-selling autobiography, less mea culpa than me-a-genius, and revels in his fame as grizzled sage and insult comic.

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韩志杰终于想通,以前他总是想坐上金椅的位置,如今倒觉得能与萧岚一走了之,浪迹天涯也会是一件美好的事。Jeff han finally figured out, he always want to take on a golden chair before, now with xiao LAN think a walk it, grizzled troubadour and would be a good thing.

老记者常建议,成功的要诀是在选择第一个工作时是要看编辑是否有意愿和你一起工作的教导能力。Grizzled journalists have long advised that the key to success is to choose the first job on the basis of the teaching power of an editor willing to work with you.

有时候,我们悄无声息地变老,直到你看到我们灰白的胡子和白内障般恍惚的眼睛才知道。Sometimes, we age so slowly before your eyes that you may not even seem to know until the very end, when we look at you with grizzled muzzles and cataract clouded eyes.