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现在它向西去了。It's heading westbound now.

他决定沿着向西行的路走。He decided he'd follow the westbound road.

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请留意即将进站列车为全程快速列车。Please mind the coming train is an express train westbound.

一辆卡车倾覆而阻塞了向西行的交通近两英里。A truck turned over blocking westbound traffic for about two miles.

隔开向东方向和向西方向的那片草地更有可能。The stretch of grass separating eastbound and westbound was more likely.

连接皇珠路西行及青云路北行的支路。The slip road connecting Wong Chu Road westbound and Tsing Wun Road northbound.

从头台洞西行约500米,是二台洞,洞中有洞,深不可测。Westbound about 500 meters, is two sets of holes, the holes have holes, unpredictable.

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不不不,指挥塔,我做不到。我没有时间进行西向定位了。No no no, negative, tower. I can't do that. I don't have time for westbound orientation.

既有玄奘坚毅西行的足迹,更有古丝绸之路的印记。Both xuan zang persistence westbound footprint, more have the marks of the ancient silk road.

一旦击中湖岸行游者数以百计的人开始跑的坡道西行伽尔迪纳。Once the marchers hit the lakeshore hundreds of people began running up the ramp to the westbound Gardiner.

今天早上高速公路上的车行驶得很慢,因为西边的车道上出了一起车祸。Traffic was really slow on the freeway this morning because of a fender-bender in one of the westbound lanes.

该航空公司称,该航班会向西飞行长达17小时35分钟。According to the airline, the flight will take an incredible 17 hours and 35 minutes in the westbound direction.

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元鼎五年,汉武帝西行巡游到达祖厉县,临黄河而返。Yuan Ding five years, Emperor Li westbound parade to the Dazu County, and the temporary return of the Yellow River.

请注意小城东部有一道非常明亮的白光,而且不断变换颜色。现在它向西去了。Be advised there's a very bright white light east of town, and it keeps changing colors. It's heading westbound now.

这一段青藏公路与铁路并肩而行,西行经日月山进入牧区,在广阔的草原上渐行渐远。This section of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and railway travelling westbound entry by Sun, pastoral in vast grasslands.

所有西行车辆停靠在一个设立的检查站接受检查,没有瓜类水果的才允许通过检查站。All westbound vehicles are stopped at an established checkpoint and no cucurbit fruits are allowed past the checkpoint.

1350英里的时速意味着如果向西飞行,他们抵达纽约的时间比他们在欧洲登机的时间要早一个半小时多!Cruising speeds of 1,350 mph meant westbound travelers got to New York more than an hour and a half before they left Europe.

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除了几架照例飞越这座通风井的向西飞去的商业航班之外,我甚至未曾听到其他飞机的声音。I didn't even hear any planes except a couple of westbound commercial airliners that habitually use this air shaft to fly over.

有次我开车在伊丽沙白路的快车道上向西行驶,这是一条绕着安大略湖从多伦多往尼亚加拉瀑布的高速公路。I was driving in the fast lane westbound on the QEW, which is the highway that runs around Lake Ontario from Toronto to Niagara Falls.

介乎学徒训练中心与棉花路之间的一段加路连山道西行线将临时封闭,禁止所有车辆行驶。Caroline Hill Road westbound between Apprentice Training Centre and Cotton Path will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic from.