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异议人士按叛国罪论处。Dissent was tantamount to treason.

他说这五个国家手中的否决权就等同于恐怖主义。Their veto was tantamount to terrorism.

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倘若无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命的。If wasting other's time, is tantamount to for his money.

可是,这个情境并不就是等于是宇宙洪荒开始时的情境。But this isn't tantamount to the beginnings of a cosmology.

对于她来说,在家还要化妆简直天理难容。For her, wearing make up at home is tantamount to blasphemy.

那这总佛寺不就相当于师范学院了嘛。Is the Vat Bajay Monastery tantamount to a teachers' college?

浪费别人的时间就等于谋财害命。Wasting other people's time is tantamount to robbery or murder.

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所以乔布斯在舞台上重新站起和他维持这种形象同样重要。So it's tantamount that Steve get up on stage and keep up the image.

当然,自我陶醉也无形中使到陈董越来越来有信心。Of course, self-satisfaction is tantamount enabling me to be more confidence.

但是,手中握有一项专利,并不等同于拥有已经准备就绪、可以随时上市的技术。But the existence of a patent isn't tantamount to ready-for-market technology.

王老师是我的老师,等于是向领导汇报功课一样的。Wang teacher is my teacher, tantamount to the leadership on the same homework.

此外,还给出了循序可测性的一个便于应用的等价定义。Besides, it gives a convenient tantamount definition to progressive measurability.

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少数公司认为在职员工面试其他工作等于叛变。In a few companies, interviewing for a new job is considered tantamount to treason.

质疑或违抗法律,等同于摧毁法律的权威。To question or disobey the law is tantamount to destroying the authority of the law.

他们被称为“孵化器”,而获得他们的认可等同于大学文凭。They're called "incubators, " and their imprimatur is tantamount to a college degree.

美国国家矿业协会的卢克·波波维奇认为这是一个时代的终结,新条例等同于对阿巴拉契亚地区的煤矿进行严格限制。That is tantamount to saying the intent is to strictly limit coal mining in Appalachia.

杰森认为用原力来操纵如此巨大的武器无异于一场大屠杀。Jacen felt that using the Force to wield a weapon so huge was tantamount to mass murder.

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时间就是性命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命的。——鲁迅。Time is life. Gratuitous waste other people's time, it is would be tantamount to murder.

让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty.

时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。Time is life, gratuitous waste other people's time, actually would be tantamount to murder.