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如果透支了怎么办?What if I overdraw?

我能在信用卡上透支吗?Can I overdraw with the credit card?

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充分的休息,别透支你的体力。Rest well. Don't overdraw on your physical strength.

借记卡不具备透支功能。Borrow write down card to be not had overdraw function.

我的这张个人普通卡可以透支多少呢?How much can I overdraw from my personal ordinary card?

这些问题都会导致严重的透支。Both of these problems can lead to extremely high levels of overdraw.

现代社会生活中,许多人透支了大量的精力和体能。Modern social life, many people overdraw a lot of energy and fitness.

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透支模式将显示屏幕消耗的透支时间。Overdraw will indicate how much of the screen is consuming overdraw time.

目前我国透支额最高的信用卡是什么卡?Does at present our country overdraw what card is the credit card with highest forehead?

今天的学习只能储备明天的兴趣,绝不能透支明天的兴趣!Today's study can only contribute to tomorrow's interest. Never overdraw kids' interest!

品牌是可形容而不可限量的,品牌是需要呵护而不可透支的。Brand can describe limitlessly, and the brand is to need to be protected but can't overdraw.

透支之后,学会记帐,千万不要作糊涂透支族。After overdrawing, institutional chalk it up, must not make muddleheaded overdraw a group of things with common features.

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第二十五条中国人民银行可以根据需要,为金融机构开立帐户,但不得对金融机构的帐户透支。Article 25 The Peoples Bank of China may open accounts for banking institution as needed, but may not allow them to overdraw.

对于口红,保持嘴唇原有的形状,不要过多涂抹或者涂到嘴唇外面,这两项会让你看起来像是充足气的娃娃。As for lipstick, maintain the lips' natural shape. Don't overdraw the lips or outline them, which can lead to a blown-up-doll look.

可视化模式现在不做alpha测试.Alpha测试实际消耗GPU,所以和真实消耗不相符.Overdraw visualization mode does not do alpha testing now. Alpha tested pixels still cost on the GPU, so better to visualize the real cost.

一般有一定透支额度,最好用来直接消费,不适合取现,手续费较贵。Have commonly overdraw certainly the forehead is spent , had better use direct spending , unwell conjunction shows , poundage is more expensive.

恶意透支不具有诈骗的实质,不宜定信用卡诈骗罪,有必要另立罪名。Malicious overdraw without swindle essence may not be determined as credit cards crime of Swindling and it is necessary to create a new accusation.

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第二十六条中国人民银行可以根据需要,为银行业金融机构开立账户,但不得对银行业金融机构的账户透支。Article 26 The People's Bank of China may open accounts for financial institutions of the banking industry as needed, but may not allow them to overdraw.

⊙、养成好的习惯是储存健康,放纵不良陋习是透支生命,借口腾不出时间去健身的人,迟早会腾出时间去看病!Good habit is to store health, indulge in bad habits is overdraw the life, excuses no time to exercise, will sooner or later spare time to go to a doctor!

支票可以开给任何人取款,支取帐户存额以内,或者任何安排的透支限额以内的金额。A cheque can be made payable to anyone and can be made out for any sum up to the account in the account or up to the limit of any arrangement made to overdraw.