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还是他妻子让他去公费旅游?。Or did his wife send him on a junket?

他从来没有公费旅游过。He has never taken a government-paid junket.

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想象一下,回答我的问题。Pretend you're in a junket and answer these questions.

是的父皇,我已经将她们安排在白帆旅店。Yes father emperor, I have yet laid them am in the white Fan junket store.

通常你会在一个地方有一个时间紧凑的观光,然后转到下一个地方。Usually you do a press junket in one place, and then you go to the next one.

答案似乎应该是大量的交流探讨和古怪的公费旅游。The answer seems to be a lot of time spent talking-as well as the odd junket.

我眉头一扬,这个显然就是我此行的目的珍珠灵草了!My eyebrows is one Yang, the intention jewelry that obviously is my this junket went properly grass!

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伟大的商业关系都是构建在高尔夫球场、高档餐馆,以及偶尔的旅游考察上。Great business relationships are forged on golf courses, fine restaurants, and the occasional junket.

去年六月,他去北京旅游,而旅游费用由中国国际经济交流中心支付。In June last year, he went to Beijing on a junket paid for by the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges.

金发碧眼金发的猪踢好莱坞豆腐理应有一个展示在今年的E3展前的3D国度被铲到坟墓。The blond haired pig kicking hollywood junket was supposed to have a showcase at this year's E3 before 3D Realms were shoveled to the grave.

上周新片在美国本土召开了一个媒体野餐会,全国记者赶了飞机飞来,却发现戈达尔无缘无故没到场。Last week's stateside press junket for the new film was scotched after national journalists caught their planes, but for reasons unknown Godard missed his.

记者问克里斯汀斯图尔特,刚赢得瞩目的这部80年代背景的喜剧片“探险”之后,继又开拍”暮光’第二集”新月”的感觉如何呢?。The Dish Rag asked Kristen Stewart, at the press junket for the winning '80s comedy, "Adventureland, " how it feels to start to film the second "Twilight" film, "New Moon. "

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美国总统奥巴马不久前出访俄罗斯、意大利和加纳时,妻儿和岳母也一同随行。从我收到的电子邮件来看,许多读者都对这种情况感到惊讶。Many readers were startled when President Obama took his wife, kids and mother-in-law along on his recent junket to Russia, Italy and Ghana, abercrombie france, based on thee-mail I'm still receiving.