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最后,在好朋友的劝解下。Finally, under good friend's consoling.

没日没夜的照顾小闹腾非常的辛苦。Consoling a colicky baby night after night is terribly hard.

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或者是因为你愿意花费无数的夜晚去安慰他们?Your willingness to sacrifice countless late nights consoling them?

或它无法使人欣慰地相信死亡最终将竣事一切?Or did it not become consoling to believe that death ended absolutely?

我在安慰这个寡妇。他老公棺材盖没关上前我是不会泡她的。I am consoling the widow . I won't start to hit on her until they close the lid.

时隔15年之后现在我知道在安抚我的朋友时采用的方式有多么地笨拙。Today, 15 years later, I know why my attempt at consoling my friend was so ham-fisted.

每天忙忙碌碌地去讨别人欢心,而忘了去慰藉自己的心灵。He is not the one who bustles in catering for others instead of consoling his own soul.

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向春到学校安慰嘉玲,祥兴拍下两人看似暧昧的照片,发送全校。Xiang Chun comforts Jialing in school and a student takes a photo of him consoling Jialing.

虽然葛拉齐亚和克利斯朵夫两人从未结婚。Although Grazia and Christophe never married, they remained steadfast and consoling friends.

找到心中平静的宗教师阿督拉,在大爱一村教导孩童朗诵古兰经。Finding peace within himself, Abdulla is a Mufti who is consoling the children in the First Da Ai Village.

可是这些话安慰不了班纳特太太,因此她非但没有回答,反而象刚才一样地诉苦下去。This was not very consoling to Mrs. Bennet, and, therefore, instead of making any answer, she went on as before

你们的热情给了我们前进的动力,让我们意识到尤文图斯和尤文蒂尼,就是一个大家庭。Your passion has given us the strength to move forward, consoling us with the knowledge that we are one great big family.

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值得安慰的是,在下场联赛开始的时候,穆里尼奥的球队差不多可以跟以前一样强盛了。It is consoling for Mourinho that his squad should, in any case, be close to full strength when Premiership action resumes.

另外,你犯下的错误还等着她去处理,她已经很烦了,哪有闲心去安慰你呢。Besides, your boss is now annoyed because she has a problem to deal with, and you don't want to put her in the position of consoling you.

要是玛丽·玛利亚阿姨知道苏珊这样自我安慰的话不知道会怎样想呢。But what Aunt Mary Maria would have thought if she had known Susan was consoling herself on such grounds must be left to the imagination.

也许还需要一些时间来安慰,不过这次也算哈里的球队的一次不错的欧观登场秀了。It will take a while for the consoling reality to sink in, but this has been a fine Champions League debut campaign for Harry Redknapp's team.

在这场浩劫中,很多生命离我们而去,我们无法用言语安慰和悼念受难者。In this tragic hour of horrendous loss in human lives, our words fail us in consoling those who are victims of the natural disaster and tragedy.

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成语“画饼充饥”就来自于皇帝所说的话。最初,它指有名声而没本领。后来,人们用它来比喻以不切实际的空想来满足自己。At first the idiom meant unjustified fame, but it later came to mean satisfying oneself by imagining things, or consoling oneself with false hopes.

此外,也许也很奇怪,如果能听到别人说“是的,所有事都很糟糕”这无疑是很让人觉得安慰的。Furthermore, and very strangely perhaps, one of the most consoling things one can hear anyone say is that everything is actually absolutely dreadful.

你最好的朋友因其亲人离世而崩溃大哭,你的另一半在你安慰她时打断你,问你‘我能吃了最后一片鸡肉吗?’Your best friend's just broken down in tears over the recent death of a parent, your partner interrupts your consoling to ask 'Can I have that last piece of chicken?