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我想报失窃案。I want to report a burglary.

他们捏造了一个有关偷盗的故事。They faked up a story about burglary.

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如果发生入户盗窃就给警方打电话。Ring the police if there is a burglary.

这个盗窃案发生在夜间。The burglary occurred during the night.

现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。Now my house is secure against burglary.

用枪或其它武器进行夜盗。Burglary where gun or other weapons is used.

他因入室抢劫被判刑18个月。He received an 18-month sentence for burglary.

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在受到偷盗之后,我把所有的锁都换了。After the burglary I had all the locks convertd.

一回到家,我就发现家中遭劫。Upon my arrival home, I discovered the burglary.

在遭闯空门之后,她把所有的锁都换了。After the burglary she had all the locks changed.

这个年轻人向警察部门告发了一起夜盗案。The young man snitched on the burglary to the police.

我是一名中国游客,我想报一起入室行窃案。I'm a Chinese tourist and I want to report a burglary.

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杰克需要一点时间来澄清自己是强盗的指控罪名。Jack needed time to clear himself of burglary charges.

四天以后,一则关于一盗贼的刊头引起了他的注意。Four days later, a headline about a burglary caught his eye.

数据还显示哈佛大学在这12所大学中有着最高的入室盗窃率。It said that Harvard had the highest rate of burglary among the 12.

这些人因涉嫌犯有夜盗罪而被拘留。The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.

四天后,一则有关盗窃案的标题新闻引起了他的注意。Four days later, a headline about a burglary attracted his attention.

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当他们到达夜盗现场时房间被弄得乱七八糟。The room was disordered when they arrived at the scene of the burglary.

我希望至少我们的入室抢劫能让你的小组团结起来。We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group!

我希望我们的‘盗窃’行为能让你的研究小组能真正团结起来。We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group.