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他爱喝的烈酒是威士忌。His favourite tipple is whisky.

你度假是最喜欢喝哪种酒?What's your favourite holiday tipple ?

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我最喜欢喝的酒是波尔图葡萄酒。My favourite tipple is a glass of port.

经常喝蜂蜜有益还是有弊?Does classics tipple honey still have disadvantage benignantly ?

为了断奶,她把烈酒抹在奶头上,结果引起了连锁反应。She put tipple on the nipple for ablactation and caused ripple effect.

服药期间经常喝咖啡会影响药物的作用吗?Can during taking drug, classics tipple coffee affect the action of medicaments ?

现代风雅之士再次将鸡尾酒视为“柔和的烈酒”。Cocktails are once again recognized by modern sophisticates as being the tipple of the suave.

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仿真与实验结果证明该控制方案能有效降低低速时的转矩波动。Simulation and experimental results testify this scheme can effectively reduce the torque tipple in low speed.

该研究作者还发现,每当伴侣们共饮美酒时,他们对家庭生活的满足感便会上升。The authors also discovered that satisfaction with domestic life rose with every occasion partners share a tipple.

新华鸡尾酒行政内阁充分酒吧配件和服务的个人酒保的混合酒。Chinoiserie cocktail cabinet with full bar accessories and the services of a personal bartender to mix your tipple.

在这里专家们给出了他们最喜欢的方法,从不夜间饮酒到减少在笔记本前的时间无所不有。Here, experts reveal their favourite methods, from cutting out a nightly tipple to limiting time spent on your laptop.

想减肥的人,注意了。即使只喝一点点酒也会危害到你的腰围,饮用低卡烈酒也不例外。Slimmers, be warned. Having a few drinks can wreak havoc with your waistline – even if you've switched to a low-calorie tipple.

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当地白酒是spritzer葡萄酒,通常由本地葡萄酒如prosecco等加苏打水调制而成。The local tipple is wine spritzer, or spritz, usually a local wine such as prosecco, a sparkling wine, with fizzy water or soda.

这项研究成果并不代表人们可以酗酒——过量的酒精会伤害你的大脑,偶尔的小酌才对你的身体有所帮助。This is not an endorsement to drink to excess--large amounts of alcohol will damage your brain--but the occasional tipple may do you some good.

南卡罗来纳州研究人员说,让那些从不饮酒的中年人在每日的饮食中加入一些酒,可以迅速降低心脏患病的的风险。Middle-aged non-drinkers can quickly reduce their risk of heart disease by introducing a daily tipple to their diet, South Carolina researchers say.

本文对港口翻车机系统中应用可编程序控制器鉴别车厢类型的流程与程序作了详尽分析。This paper makes a detailed analysis of flowchart and program of railroad car's type identification for port's tipple in which the PC has been used.

米酒和烧酒,这些日本传统的酒类饮料曾是日本中年男性的最爱,而如今,它们已成为时尚泡吧族的新宠。Sake and shochu, traditional Japanese drinks that were once derided as old-fashioned and the tipple of boozy middle-aged men, are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers.