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他正在练习演“哈姆雷特”以便临时代替别人。He is understudying Hamlet.

奥利佛演出的哈姆雷特。Oliver's version of Hamlet.

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哈姆雷特向叔叔报了仇。Hamlet was avenged on his uncle.

哈姆雷特坐在欧菲莉亚的旁边。Hamlet sat by the side of Ophelia.

奥立佛扮演哈姆雷特一角。Olivier played the role of Hamlet.

哈姆雷特替他父亲报了仇。Hamlet avenged his father's wrongs.

剧名是<哈姆雷特>。The title of the play is " Hamlet".

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第一个是哈姆雷特独白。The first one is a Hamlet soliloquy.

据海报载,哈姆雷特由刘易斯扮演。Lewis was billed to appear as Hamlet.

哈姆雷特装疯卖傻。Hamlet endued the character of a madman.

那名演员把哈姆雷特的角色演得过火了。The actor overplayed the role of Hamlet.

他演哈姆雷特比任何人都演得好。He perfms Hamlet better than anyone else.

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那名演员把哈姆雷特的角色演得过火了。The actor overplayed the role of Hamlet.

小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.

我让约翰演哈姆雷特,让玛丽演奥菲丽娅。I cast John as Hamlet and Mary as Ophelia.

哈姆雷特如今已经知道克劳迪斯恶毒的计谋。Hamlet now knew about Claudius's evil plan.

他所扮演的哈姆雷特的角色受到了指导。He is being schooled in his part of Hamlet.

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他演哈姆雷特比任何人都演得好。He performs Hamlet better than anyone else.

哈姆雷特和那两个人坐船出发前往英格兰。Hamlet and the two men set sail for England.

虽然哈姆雷特曾经杀死一个克劳迪斯的贵族,但是全国百姓仍然很爱戴他,那就是为什么克劳迪斯不能杀死哈姆雷特的原因。That was why Claudius could not kill Hamlet.